will's night out

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alpha male will: who's coming over tonight then? xx

georgie worgie: i'm down

thicc papi: i fucking need a night out

furrycynical: same lol

georgie worgie: al is coming too

thicc papi: can u ask alex if he needs me to pick up drinks from him

beans: can't wait x

georgie worgie: he said yeah thanks

joshy the mans: i have mad drinks here i'll bring

alpha male will: aight beast come round at idk 10

beans: niiiice
james can u pick me up? pls dad

thicc papi: ofc son

beans: cheers x

joshy the mans: i hyped

furrycynical: haven't seen you all in loooong

alpha male will: niall u saw us like,, 3 weeks ago

furrycynical: yeah but i live far so it's not fair :(((

thicc papi: move over here niall

furrycynical: might tbh

alpha male will: beast

beans: where's al?

georgie worgie: hes here with me but his phone died

georgie worgie: hes here with me but his phone died

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furrycynical: what a snack

georgie worgie: init

joshy the mans: cya tonight lads x

alpha male will: yeah cya


later that night, george was standing at the door impatiently, leaning against the wall.
"hurry up, al," he called out, checking the time.
"we don't have to leave yet, we still have half an hour, you freak," alex laughed, lying down on the sofa, george sitting down next to him.
"well if we're late, don't blame me," he fake pouted, crossing his arms and slightly puffing his cheeks out.
"aw, c'mere." alex wrapped one arm around george's neck and kissed his puffed cheek. the brunet smiled and snuggled into the other boy's chest.

45 minutes passed, and george practically dragged alex out the house and into his car. the drive was only five or ten minutes but alex still insisted on putting one of his CDs in the player. the moon was a crescent, and stood out through the dark blue sky. george pulled up to will's drive, both of them getting out the car and knocking on his door. they were greeted by the boy's familiar, goofy grin.
"y'right lads, come in, come in," he rushed alex and george inside before shutting the door.

alex looked around the room as george put his bottle of smirnoff on the kitchen side. it was fair to say that everyone was already quite tipsy, but fraser was smashed to say the least. he was dancing with james to the music that was playing through will's speakers. james danced along, but was sober enough to laugh at the boy in front of him who was stumbling over his own feet. alex walked over to the two, smiling in amusement at fraser.
"y'right guys?" he asked, letting out a breathy laugh.
"al!" fraser giggled, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy's neck. james just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

once fraser let go, he stumbled into james' chest - god, he was such a lightweight. he'd only had 2 vodka-cokes and was already tripping over and giggling. "i'll go get you a drink," james told alex, walking over to the kitchen, leaving him alone with a drunken fraser.
"c'mon mate," the hiccuping boy said, holding both his hands and trying to get alex to sway along with him.

meanwhile, george was talking to will, niall and josh. he had a jack daniel's in his hands and took an occasional sip. he didn't really know why - it tasted horrible. but he wanted to have a good night. out of the four, will was the most drunk by far. he had that big smile on his face and laughed hysterically at the tiniest of things.

it was now 10 am, alex and fraser were passed out on will's couch, will was in the kitchen, and the others were nowhere to be seen. alex stirred in his sleep as the light hit his eye, bumping into fraser while doing so. he slowly sat up, looking around. he squinted, trying to make out his surroundings through his blurred vision. god, his head was spinning. fraser sat up next to alex, rubbing his eyes.
"where are we?" he yawned, placing a hand on his head.
"will's," alex answered, picking up his phone from his jean pocket
"right," fraser rolled over to his other side and laid back down. "have you seen my glasses?" he murmured.
"no, sorry," the taller boy stood up and started looking for his glasses. "i'm calling george, want him to drop you off?"
"oh uh, yeah thanks," fraser muttered, picking his glasses up from the kitchen floor.

"mornin' sunshine," george's voice was smug through the phone. "feelin' good?"
"shut up." alex groaned. "come pick me up, and can you drop fraser off?"
"yeah yeah. is he ok anyway?"
"so you'll ask about fraser but not about me? charming." the hung over boy half joked, half sighed, getting a laugh from george. "yeah, he looks a bit dead but i'm sure he'll be fine," fraser looked over and smiled.
"'s only 'cause he was proper pissed last night," george defended himself. "anyway, be there in 5,"

george parked outside will's house, texting alex to let him know he's outside. both of the hung over boys slowly walked over and got in the car. fraser got in the back and alex in the passenger side.
"how you two feeling, eh?" george teased, looking at fraser through the rear-view mirror.
"fuck off george," the boy in the back groaned, leaning back in his seat.
"so how comes you're so fucking full of life?" alex asked, "and why did you leave me at wills last night, you meanie?"
"i didn't drink that much last night, at least not enough to get me drunk. and it was 2am, i have things to do today, i told you i was going but you were playing mario kart with niall so you told me you wanted to stay, remember?" george looked over at alex, who just nodded, obviously being to tired to respond.

they dropped fraser home and headed back to their own apartment. alex immediately took of all his clothes except from his boxers and crawled over to their bed. george went to the kitchen, filled up a glass of water and took a paracetomel out of the cupboard, walking into their room, passing both the items to alex.
"here, take these," the sickly looking boy obeyed and swallowed his tablet, followed by the entire glass of water.

about 10 minutes after, alex was already asleep next to george, the back of his hand resting on his arm. he had work to do, but he didn't want to get up and leave alex. fuck it, he thought, i'll wait till tomorrow to get this video done.

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