love doesn't fade - jake

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^^Jake needs to wear his hair back more. Agree or disagree????

On/off relationship, angst/fluff



"Hey y/n!" Sam exclaimed, happy to see me in the recording studio. I wanted to see the boys in action a little. But I realized that I didn't want to be there when Jake rolled his eyes as Sam hugged me. "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Sammy," I smiled, then glaring at Jake. As he went to go talk to the other boys I turned to Jake and said, "You know, just because we're on a break doesn't give you a need to roll your eyes at my every move."

"You're acting all happy and smiley," he said.

"And your point is...?"

"Nothing," he groaned, rolling his eyes again. "Just forget it." He got up and walked away.

"Y/n, come here!" Sam waved me over. I walked over and stood next to him, Josh and Danny on the other side of him. "What do you think of this part that I wrote?"

He showed me a part from a new song that he wrote, and I nodded. "It's really good!" I said honestly. "Good job, guys." They all smiled and thanked me. Except Jake, who was crossing his arms and pouting in the opposite corner of the room. "Well, i should probably go...I've got things to do," I lied.

"Aw, come on," Josh said. "Stay a little longer."

"No, sorry Josh..." I chuckled. "I gotta go. I'll see you later." I grabbed my purse, waved, and headed out. As soon as I was out the door, my arm was grabbed. "Jake, what is your problem?"

"You, y/n!" He yelled. I just knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you being so...nice? You weren't ever like that to me, or even like that around me! I don't get it!"

"Okay, first of all, we're still technically together. We're just on a break," I started, pushing his arm off me. "And second of all, what are you talking about?"

"I literally just said it! You're being extra...cheerful to Sam today, what's up with that?"

"I don't know, Jake! I'm being friendly! Ever heard of it?" I sassed. "Sam was happy to see me. Not many people are, you clearly being on that list."

I walked out to my car, unlocking it. Jake kept following me. As I was opening my door, he grasped me, turned me around and kissed me. Hard. I pulled away harshly.

"I'm sorry, y/n/n. Can we get back together?" He genuinely asked.

"Are you on crack? You were yelling at me five seconds ago!"

"I know! those five seconds I realized how much of an idiot I am to treat you like I have these past weeks," he explained.

"Yeah, you are an idiot." I stated.

"You know what...never mind," he threw his hands up. "You don't want to be with me anyway," he said, surrendering.

"Jake, no, that's not what...ugh," I groaned as he walked away. I did the same needy-kiss-contraption he got me in. "I do want to be with you!" I defended. "I just want you to understand how you made me feel like shit for no reason!" I looked at him, sadness and guilt in my eyes.

"Okay..." he hesitantly said. "I understand. I'm really sorry, y/n."

"Thank you," I said softly. "I'm sorry too."

He pulled me in for a hug, my face buried in his chest, while his arms wrapped around my lower back.

"Jake...I love you. You know that, right?"

He nodded, resting his chin on my head. "I love you too, y/n. I'm sorry. Can we start over in there?"

I laughed. "Yeah, lets do that," I said, letting go.

"Hey," he stopped me, pulling me back in. "Not yet."

"You guys are right," I start. "Love doesn't fade away."


I'm sorry if this wasn't like what you asked for but this was the best I could think of and it doesn't make sense

Love my jakey though

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