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When my mother said I could go with my sister if I wanted, I nearly exploded with excitement. We never had the best relationship, so space will be amazing. Plus, I get to see Charlie again, Bella's dad, who I so wish was mine.

I am the result of a one night stand my mother had with a random man she never saw again. Not wanting to abort me, she then spent the next sixteen years regretting it. Or, at least, that's what it felt like.

While I am not a fan of flying, I'll do anything to get out of Arizona. The heat kills me. Luckily, Forks is one of the wettest places in the west coast, so no problems there.

The drive in Charlie's police cruiser, because he's a cop, is steady but quiet. Bella's horrendously awkward and so is her dad. I however, am not awkward, I just don't like talking to people.

"Your hair's longer," Charlie comments quickly.

"I, uh, I cut it since the last time I saw you," Bella replies just as awkwardly.


I roll my eyes and smile slightly. They care about each other so much, and yet don't vocalise it. Although I can't talk. My gestures of affection are always physical. Always.

We roll into the drive and I grin up at the house. With a background of grey clouds, I think it makes Bella want to run back to Phoenix. Charlie carries one of Bella's bags up to the house, while she carries the other, and I get mine.

I only brought one bag, a sort of rucksack. It's all I need for my possessions.

Bella's room is lovely, a gentle lavender colour with a bed and purple sheets. But certain things around the place give hints that Charlie hasn't been in there since she was a little girl.

My room is slightly bare, and a bit smaller. But I don't mind. It gives me the freedom to truly customize it.

Charlie doesn't stick around, but doesn't leave without exchanging a few words. Then I'm left to unpack me bag.

It has a whopping six personal items in it. Although I suppose the chain may count as more than one because of the pendants on it. Three hang along the slim silver chain.

The first - a simple yet amazingly detailed blue bell flower that my sister gave me when I was younger. The second: small and delicate, the spirals of a triskelion twist neatly together. Third: a tiny silver replica of a knuckle duster.

Each one has meaning, otherwise I wouldn't keep them. That's why I don't have many things.

I put the rest away in cupboards and drawers, then put my clothes away. And then the only things left in the bag got shoved under the bed. To be forgotten about.

It's my first day at school tomorrow, a new school half way through the bloody year.

I sigh and sit down, trying not to think about it. While I'm not as socially awkward as Bella, that doesn't mean I'm amazing with people. It's quite the opposite in fact.

Bella is awkward and quiet with people. I...don't like people. There's a big difference.

I end up falling asleep early, way before dinner. My dreams are troubled, as usual.

But hopefully the dawn will bring some light.

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