{Fleeing Forks}

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I rush in the house after Bella, as our plan goes, we basically have to hurt Charlie and I don't like it.

"Bells, calm down," I say, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

"Jordan? Bella? What happened?" Charlie walks into the hall, looking between us worriedly.

"She had a fight with Edward," I say hurriedly as I run up to her room.

"Go pack some stuff," Edward says.

I nod and grab my bag from under my bed and start stuffing some clothes in while Jasper empties my small drawer of cleaning supplies into it.

"How do you know about that?" I ask, hoping to distract ourselves.

"I've seen you go through it," he answers simply.

By the slamming of the door, I judge Bella has finished her part of the plan.

"I'll be in her truck," I say, and he disappears out the window.

Charlie runs his hand through his hair. I can see the pain on his face, and approach him carefully.

"I'm going to go with her to make sure she's alright," I say softly.

He nods silently, and I'm at a loss for words. Before I really think, I'm wrapping my arms around his shoulders and leaning my head on them.

"She didn't mean it, Charlie. She'll come back," I say, then draw back and go to leave, but turn back for a split second. "Then I'll tell you how I got these injuries."

A brief smile flashes across his face. I sprint across the yard to hop into the back of Bella's truck, throwing my bag in first, then vaulting the side myself.

She pulls away, and I sit with my back to the cabin as we speed down the road.

A thud next to me causes me to nearly stand, but a flash of blond hair as Jasper winds his arm around me calms my reaction.

But the next thud is much louder, less finesse in the landing. I hear Bella jump in the cabin, and look up to see Emmett leaning on the cabin roof.

"Alice is in the car behind us," Jasper says softly, gesturing to the headlights following the orange truck.

During our ride, I stay close to him. I can't help my eyes as they skip over the dark forest.

It's obvious when Edward takes over driving, as the truck's velocity increases noticeably.

An old habit comes back to haunt me as we're driving. My hands work by themselves, wrapping tape around my knuckles, then stretching and tensing, as if readying for a fight.

Once I've done it so many times that the tiniest cut starts to open on my index finger, Jasper's hand gently curls around mine and draws them up to his chest.

The action is simple and seemingly insignificant, yet brings a wave of calm that comforts me than any words could.

We pass a small coffee shop, and Bella's friends walk out with laughter and peace on their faces.

It's a startling feeling when I realise that I still wouldn't change the feeling of being wrapped in Jasper's arms for the safety of their ignorance.

A smile finds its way onto my face, fueled by the knowledge that while I may be in danger, I'm right where I should be.


We pull up outside the Cullen's house and hastily exit the truck. I don't stray for from Jasper, and as soon as my feet are on the ground again, one cold hand grips my waist gently.

Bella clings to Edward as he stops short in the entrance, and Jasper pulls me closer as his snarl joins with Edward's.

Laurent walks down the stairs with Carlisle by his side, who rushes to stop either of them from rushing him.

"He came to help, to warn us about James," he says swiftly.

The snarls die, but not an ounce of tension leaves Jasper as he stares unblinking at the red eyed vampire.

"I've grown tired of James's games. But I won't go against him. He is absolutely lethal, with unparalleled senses and a brilliant mind," he says.

He nods his head, then disappears out of the door.

Carlisle begins conversing with Edward and Emmett so swiftly I only catch a word or two.

"I'm so sorry about this, Jordan," Jasper says into my ear as he pulls me into the garage.

Alice walks over to Edward with a gentle smile. "Jasper and I will drive them South."

"Alright, just keep your opinions to yourself," Edward mutters.

"I will," she says, and guides Bella over to a black Mercedes.

"I've fought their kind before, they aren't easy to kill," Jasper says to Emmett.

"But not impossible," he replies, ever the optimist.

"Rosalie, Esme, can you put these on to confuse the smell," Edward says as he throws a piece of clothing each to them.

Esme does, but Rosalie just glares at him. "Why should I? What is she to me? Besides a danger you've decided to inflict on us."

"Rosalie-" Edward snaps.

"No, Edward. It's alright. She doesn't have to," I say, earning myself eight shocked stares. "I understand what she's saying, and Rosalie is right. All we've done is put your family in danger..."

I can feel tears threatening to make an appearance, and angrily push them away as I smile at Rosalie.

"I just hope you know it was never our intention. Stay safe, and please go with Esme. I don't like the idea of her out there with those guys alone."

Once they get over their shock, Carlisle holds out the jacket to Rosalie. "Rose, Jordan and Bella are with Edward and Jasper. They are part of this family now, and we protect our own."

She picks it up, still staring at me. Alice chucks my bag into the trunk and sits in the back seat beside Bella.

I let Jasper grab some things and get in the driver's side as I hover in front of Rosalie.

"I'm sorry for this, but...thank you," I say, looking just by her head.

I slip in shotgun, next to Jasper as Edward speaks to Bella.

"If anything happens to you, I swear to-"

"Nothing's going to happen, Bella. We'll be fine, just worry about keeping yourself safe," Edward soothes.

"I'll see you soon," Bella says, but it's more like a hopeful question.

"Sooner than you think. Remember, you are my life now," he says, then directs his words at Jasper. "Drive."

He doesn't need to be told twice, and in a split second we've shot onto the road and began hammering towards the highway.

I decide it's probably best I try and sleep, as my mind will start playing up if I'm tired and terrified.

Jasper does well in avoiding potholes, so much so, I am able to lean my head against the window and slip off.

But as my eyes droop, I swear two red eyes flash in the woods beside us. I jerk back, hitting my head off the headrest, realising I'm not going to sleep anytime soon.

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