{Room Of Mirrors}

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I wonder if concentrating on the pain from my fingers will stop my legs shaking.

The room is covered in mirrors, which creeps me out a lot. It's like a circus.

"Bella? Bella?" Mom's voice rings out.

"Mom? Mom?!"

Bella tears toward the cupboard at the other end of the room. She rips it open, revealing a TV screen.

"Shit," I hiss, pushing her behind me as I search the room.

James is reflected in every mirror, grinning. Bella hyperventilates behind me.

Then he steps forward, the smile gone; replaced by an evil leer. "Oh, but that's my favourite part."

I throw my arms across the cupboard opening as he approaches. My heart gives away my fear, though, and I wish it to calm.

"You were a stubborn child, weren't you?" He says, suddenly appearing in front of us.

"She's not even here," Bella says in a small voice.

"No," he says.

His hand clamps on my shoulder, and pushes me into the wall, leaving Bella wide open.

"Sorry," he says, inhaling deeply next to my ear. "You know, but you really made it too easy. So, to make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together."

His grip is crushing my shoulder, preventing me from reaching my pocket. Bella is frozen in horror.

"I borrowed this from your house, hope you don't mind," he says, moving back and stroking the side of my face.

He raises a videocamera. "And..." he flicks it open, "action!"

I move closer to Bella, shielding her from the lense as its pointed in our faces. The sick enjoyment playing in his eyes nearly makes me throw up again.

"Oh, that'll break Edward and Jasper's little hearts," he says, revealing glistening teeth as he grins.

"You have...Edward has nothing to do with this!" Bella rages, trying to move forward.

James pushes us back, holding a hand around my neck. "Oh, but he does! His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you..."

His eyes flick to mine, and I notice the red isn't as bright as the last time we saw him. He hasn't eaten.

"And as for Jasper, oh! I've heard such stories about the notorious Major! Seeing him brokenhearted over you, will make it much more enjoyable when I spit your blood in his face."

Hate fills me, boiling the blood travelling through my veins. Never before have I wanted to hurt someone this badly, or kill them. My hands itch to beat his face into pulp, but I know it won't do any good, so I store it.

"And...let's continue..." He says, drawing back.

Bella let's her eyes drop, and I lower my arms. I can feel her fiddling with the pepper spray, so I wait...and then move out of the way.

She sprays a good amount into his eyes, then takes off running toward the door.

James blinks, and growls in annoyance. He's in front of her in a flash, grabbing her by the throat and throwing her across the floor.

She meets with the stone steps head first, sending a sickening thud echoing around the room.

"Beautiful...very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well."

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