{I'm Holding A Diamond}

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"Jordan, how many fingers am I holding up?"

I blink and focus on Carlisle's hand, the ice pack on my jaw is helping a lot. "Three...?"

"Good. Okay, I don't think there is any skull or brain damage. You'll just be sore for a few weeks," he says.

"What about her side?" Jasper asks, eyeing the dark bruises worriedly.

"She was very lucky. If he hit her once more her rib might have broken," Carlisle says.

I grin at Bella. "Told you I'd be fine."

Her eyebrows shoot into her hairline. "Fine? Fine? You're black and blue, covered in blood and probably have a concussion! How is that fine?!"

"It could have been worse," I say, thinking about the knuckle-dusters.

The Spike comes back into my mind as a painful reminder. I put the ice pack down and gingerly grip the metal base.

"What is that?" Emmet asks.

I look him in the eye as I pull it out, clenching my jaw and willing the pained tears to go away. A gasp escapes my lips as it comes free.

"He tried the thing with the Spike again." Rosalie says darkly.

My vision swims for a second as I squint at it in the meagre light. "Yeah. But it's fine, I knew what he was doing."

Bella narrows her eyes, then leans forward to tug something out of my legging pocket. Two iron knuckle-dusters fall to the floor with a loud clatter.

"I thought you said you didn't cheat," she says with wide eyes.

"I don't. That's a precaution. Did you seriously think I was going to walk in here after Marco murdered Johnny without any sort of protection?" I ask.

Bella gives me a confused look, glancing between Edward and I. My head throbs after I shake it, so I stop.

"How was I to know it wasn't a trap?" I ask, a grim feeling settling in my chest as my voice goes quiet. "I've been tagged teamed by people in the ring with knuckle-dusters, Bella. I've also seen someone get beaten to death like that because he pissed off the wrong person. I knew what to expect."

She goes silent, frowning. Carlisle shakes his head, then catches sight of my left fist held very carefully on my knee.

"Are your fingers broken?" He asks, coming closer.

Before I can answer, I jump in the air and yell as my teeth clench together with an audible snap. My eyes turn to Bella as she carefully retracts her hand from mine without looking at me.

"Yes," I say through my teeth.

Jasper glares at Bella and kneels next to me with a furrowed brow. "Does it hurt?"

I smile fondly at him. "Sweetheart, I love you, but I think that's a bit of a stupid question."

He chuckles, then freezes. I turn my attention back to Carlisle as he gently lifts my hand.

"When did they break?" He asks.

"The final punch," I say, then mutter, "I wondered if the crack was his nose or my hand."

"I think it was both," Emmet says gleefully. "I saw the guy get dragged off."

I grin back at him, then bite into my lip as more pain shoots up to my shoulder.

"Sorry," Carlisle says, sensing my arm tensing. "I'm going to put it in a splint; Emmet hand me my bag."

I shake my head as I chuckle, which makes me wince. "You brought a first-aid kit?"

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