{Unwanted Memories}

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On the way back, I noticed Bella seemed pissed with Edward, and he was moody all the way back.

I would talk to Bella later, and decide Eddie needed a talking to.

Jasper didn't say anything, but there were subtle differences in his behaviour. He spoke to me a bit more, and I caught him staring at me when I wasn't looking.

Unfortunately, I do not have History today. It's why Fridays are my least favourite day of the week.

I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights for some reason, so I'm a little out of it today.

I think that may be why it's taken me a good few minutes to notice the guy talking to me.

"I don't want you hanging around with Hale," he spits.

My eyes sting and I blink a few times. "Erm, who are you?"

He scoffs. "Oh, that old line? Come on! I'm Johnny, remember?"

My eyes shoot open. "Johnny Martin?"

"Yeah," he says, crossing his arms.

Now that I look at him properly, it is quite clearly him. He has the same curved jaw and deep blue eyes as the boy I knew.

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"A while ago. I've only just started school, though."

"Oh, okay. Well, it was nice to see you again," I say, and try to go past him.

"Hey, I'm not finished talking to you. I'm serious. If I see you with him again, I'll-"

"You'll what, Johnny? Hmm? Punch him with the fist you punched me with? Or, try your luck with the gun you used to threaten me?" I ask, getting in his face.

He glares at me, baring his teeth. It's a look I recognise.

"You don't scare me anymore, Martin. So I suggest you piss of before I make you regret it," I say softly.

I watch his trademark anger flare up behind his eyes, and silently dare him to try it.

He stays still, so I smirk and push past him. But his hand curls around my wrist, pulling me back and jerking my arm.

"You think you can walk away from me?" He asks viciously.

I can't help my reflex. As his grip tightens and I turn around by the force of his pull, my free hand shoots out and pins him to the lockers by the neck.

His head makes a loud bang as it connects with the metal. Crocodile tears start pooling in his eyes.

"If you ever put your hand on me again I'll break it," I snarl in his face.

I let him go and walk swiftly to my next class.


By lunch, what happened has already been spread around the school. I can tell by the glances and stares as I walk into the cafeteria.

I've been feeling like shit since, and sit down next to Bella without picking up anything to eat.

"Are you alright?" She asks.

"M'fine," I say.

The not so subtle whispering around me is getting under my skin. Why do people have to voice their opinions on something they don't know anything about?

"What're you guys talking about, anyway?" I ask.

"La Push, baby," Eric says.

"What's that?" Bella asks.

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