{We Could Work}

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I've been pacing for a while. Which is very unusual for a vampire.

When we got in, Carlisle told us very clearly what to do. But when I tried to lay Jordan down on a bed, she refused to let go of me.

So I ended up lieing in the bed with her until Carlisle was satisfied with her state.

He spoke about how odd it was, with the way I described her symptoms he expected her to be bordering on death. But she came in warm and steady.

I managed to slip away from her to feed, because being so close to her sapped my thirst quicker than I liked.

It's been a few hours now, and we are all waiting for her to wake up.

"Jasper, sit down!" Rosalie snaps.

I stop pacing, and notice my siblings placed over the sofa in varying states of anxiety. I must be projecting again.

"Yes, you are," Edward says.

"Sorry," I reply.

It takes a little bit of concentration, but I successfully pull it back. At least I know that's definitely my emotions.

"Jasper, can you feel anything from her?" Bella asks quietly.

She's always quite shy around me specifically. I wonder why.

"That's a hard question to answer," I say.

"Why?" Rosalie asks.

It seems I've grasped my families attention with this.

"Well, Jordan is very hard for me to read. Incredibly, actually. And she does something rather odd, too."

"She nulifies your powers," Edward says.

I nod in his direction. "When I'm around her, the only emotions I feel are my own. Something I am not used to at all."

"How is that possible? I've never heard of such a thing," Edward asks.

"I have."

Carlisle walks into the room with a small smile on his face.

"Where?" I ask.

"When I was with the Volturi. They have many books documenting the many types of mates a vampire can have," he says.

I watch as everyone's attention turns to him, encluding mine. It is quite interesting to observe the dynamic. I would say it is definitely a father role Carlisle plays, no matter all our ages.

"This, and what Alice spoke about with the warmth Jordan mentioned, is called a Nye Mate Bond," Carlisle says.

That word again. Why? Why would someone so beautiful, so alive be mated to someone like me? A bloodthirsty killer who craves the one thing that keeps her living every second of his existence.

"Jasper, you shouldn't think like that," Edward says softly.

For a moment, attention shifts to Edward and I. A few frowning faces appear, and I think some very hostile words as loud as I can.

He chuckles and shakes his head, but soon returns to a sombre expression. "You shouldn't. Now, I'll admit I cannot always read Jordan's thoughts, but the ones that do slip through are more often than not about you."

If I could blush I'm certain I would be right now. And if Edward mentions that his precious CD collection will mysteriously vanish without a trace.

He smirks at me. "It's true though, Jasper. She thinks about you a lot, and it's never anything negative."

"What does Nye mean?" Bella asks Carlisle.

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