{For The Flower}

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The headache faded in a day. Jasper insisted on staying with me until the wound healed sufficiently, and I was very grateful for it.

His presence is very calming, and Jasper has an amazing outlook on just about everything. If I had the choice, I would listen to him talk everyday, about anything.

But History seems to be his favourite subject, which is quite good, because it's been a passion of mine since I was a little over seven, when Bella sat and watched a war movie with me.

I've caught a few comments here and there from students, about how I've "Made Hale remember he can talk".

Since then, so many people have made it their job to casually mention every horrible rumour there have ever been in this school.

Each one I've ignored, responded coldly to, or ripped a new one. They infuriate me, and ironically, Jasper's usually the only one who can calm me down.

I still struggle to understand why it's Jasper in particular the kids at this school don't like. Half of me thinks it's jealousy, the other thinks maybe it's fear.

If you don't know Jasper, I suppose you might be afraid of him. It's only around me his facade drops. Whenever I catch a glimpse of him from far away, his face is hard and unforgiving. I would love to know why he does it, but don't push.

But, this all pours in to my response I'm about to give once this moron currently talking shit about Jasper shuts her mouth.

"-it's obvious to see he's messed up in the head. I mean, he looks like he's in constant pain. Maybe he's got a drug problem. Seriously, though, I don't understand how you can feel safe around him."

She finally stops and drinks from her soda. I take a deep breath, trying to uncurl my fists that tensed up without her notice, and snap.

"First of all, Jessica, you're one to talk about how he looks. Half the time you are either flaunting everything to everyone or acting like a saint. That is also known as two faced bitch syndrome. As for him having a drug problem, that's rubbish. Jasper is a well spoken, intelligent, interesting young man, more than I can say for you. Maybe if you had taken the time to know him you wouldn't sit here judging someone you know nothing about because you're bitter. And I feel safe around him because he's saved my life twice. He's polite, gentle and one of the kindest people I've ever met. So the next time you want to bitch about someone you don't know, go talk to someone who actually gives a flying fuck about your ridiculous, prejudiced, pathetic gossiping."

I stand up and grab my bag. Most of the cafeteria has stopped talking to listen in. Bella, as Jessica's friend, can't really say much, but gives me a proud look. The rest of our table is staring at me with their jaws on the ground. Jessica has gone so red in the face I wouldn't blink if she burst into flames.

"I'll see you by the buses," I mutter to Bella, and walk out.


I manage to get a good fifteen minutes of cool down time before people start to pour from the doors. Our whole class is here.

Two buses are sitting ready. But the teacher still has stuff to do, so we hang around for a bit.

As usual, the Cullens hover just on the edge of the hubub. I notice Edward watching Bella intently, so I tune into her conversation with Mike.

"So, er, would you like to go to prom with me?" He laughs nervously.

Bella doesn't reply, and I gather she's focused on Edward.

"So, erm, what do you think?" Mike asks.

"About what?" Bella asks obliviously, snapping back.

"Will you go to prom...? With-with me?"

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