Chapter 2

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A couple of hours later, Ochako finally took a look at herself in the mirror and gasped. Is that me? She thought to herself trying to convince herself that the girl in the mirror was in fact her. Mina wasn't wrong, perhaps she wasn't spending enough time on herself.

She could actually admit that she was pretty.

Her skin was clear and glowing and her eyes looked brighter with the concealer and mascara. She would remind herself to wear some to work to not look so tired all the time. The only thing she couldn't believe was actually real was her hair. It was so long, shiny and soft. After a year on the field, she had given up on actually styling it and decided to wear ponytails and low messy buns to work. She hated when her hair was in her face. She must have not realized that her hair had gotten so long.

'You look stunning Ochako!' said Mina with sparkles in her eyes. 'Everyone will look at you tonight.' she added adding a little rosy blush on Uraraka's cheeks.

'Don't say that. We all know you're the one that will steal the show.' replied Ochako looking at Mina's revealing attire.

She was wearing a tiny black skirt with a see through top and knee-high boots. Uraraka felt quite prude next to her with her black skinny jeans and her burgundy deep v-neck blouse. Apparently, the dress code was somewhat 'casual' but knowing Mina, she had to be the centre of attention and Ochako was somewhat glad about that. She never felt the need to stand out in the crowd so hiding in Mina's shadow was a good thing. Plus, she was beginning to get recognized a bit so keeping a low profile for the night was what she needed.

They both received a text from Jirou to meet them at the pub at about 9 o'clock. The two girls left a little bit before nine and arrived at the club the same time as Asui and Hagakure. The four girls hugged and gossiped until the rest of the crew arrived which consisted of Deku, Todoroki, Jirou and Momo. Ochako was so glad to finally reunite with her old schoolmates again. Everything felt so different and strange. Everyone looked so much older and stronger. Ochako couldn't stop smiling.

They ordered alcohol and found a table in the middle of the pub. They received some looks and stares from people. They were all heroes after all. Ochako took a seat next to Jirou and Deku. She looked at Deku and noticed that he had changed a lot. In fact, she didn't even remember when was the last time she looked at him up close. He looked so much stronger and his facial structure looked much more manly and not like the small boy she liked in first year. He looked at her and smile kindly. Boy was she ever going to get over that stupid smile.

'Hey Uraraka-chan. I'm glad you came!' he said with his usual heart-warming voice.

'I'm glad you came too Deku-kun' she replied with a little pinch to the heart and a blush on her cheeks.

Calm down Ochako, you can't fall for him again! You know what will happen.

The night was going very well. Everyone seemed to have something to say or a story to tell. They all laughed, drank and talked for what felt like hours. Ochako learned that Hagakure had finally moved in with Ojiro-kun after dating since second year and Tsuyu was back on the dating scene after her break up with Tokoyami months ago. Ochako felt very single at that moment. She knew Mina was single as well, but her roommate was much more sexually active than her. After a couple of failed dates, Uraraka decided to focus on her career instead of chasing boys.

She stayed silent while everyone was talking about their love life. She went to get another drink and started to feel the alcohol in her system. She was very light weight and it showed. Everyone was now very loud and drunk. After what felt like hours Momo stood up and cleared her throat. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her.

'Okay, so, I have an announcement to make.' she started looking visibly nervous. 'So Shouto-san and I wanted to tell all of you guys that we ... are in engaged!' She exclaimed showing the ring on her finger.

As expected, Mina screamed and everyone turned around to take a look. Ochako was speechless. Engaged? What? They were barely 21 years old? Why so soon? She looked around the table and everyone looked as flabbergasted as she was. It took everyone else a second to digest the news before they started congratulating them. Of course, Ochako was extremely happy for them and wished them an amazing life together. However, she wanted to ask why so soon but kept her mouth shut.

She took a sip of her drink before getting up to hug her friend.

'I am so happy for you' said Hagakure with what seemed like tears in her eyes. 'When did he propose?'

'Three weeks ago. I wanted to tell everyone personally as soon as possible but everyone seemed so busy that I couldn't find the perfect time. And here we are.' replied Momo with a smile and a blush.

'Congratulation' said Ochako with a smile. Momo looked up to her and took her hand in hers.

Ochako could feel the cold ring in her palm. The ring was beautiful and looked so expensive, Ochako felt a weird feeling at the bottom of her stomach. Of course Todoroki would go and buy her the prettiest and costliest ring he could possibly get his hand on. Knowing Momo, she probably either cried or froze on the spot when he proposed. Ochako couldn't be happier for her. It was what she deserved. Ochako looked back at her friend who had teary eyes.

'Thank you, Uraraka. I'm glad I could see you tonight' said Momo with a sincere tone.

All the girls had gathered around Momo bombarding her with millions of questions. Uraraka felt bad for Momo but she looked rather joyful by all the attention. Ochako looked back and saw Deku congratulating Todoroki. The engaged man looked stiff but had a little blush on his cheeks. Never in a million years she you've thought he would propose to Momo this soon. She knew he liked her very much and Momo liked him as well. Ochako approached Todoroki to congratulate him as well. He thanked her with a shy smile. Perhaps she was the only one that was truly shaken by the news.

Ochako chugged her mojito before setting it on the table. She was clearly drinking way too fast for her own good. She was about to get up to get another drink but Deku stopped it her track.

'I can go get you another one if you want.' he asked with a smile. His cheeks were rosy from the alcohol and his eyes were cloudy.

'Okay.' she replied way to quick. 'I-I ... I'll have another one.' she motioned to the glass in front of her and Deku stood up to go to the bar.

She felt her cheeks flush. Oh god, get it together Ochako! He is your friend! She looked up and saw Mina starring at her. She knew. Oh god, she knew. Ochako glared at her and Mina smirked.

When Midoriya came back she thanked him and promised to pay him back. He declined and told her it was fine.

'Let's just say it's an early birthday gift.' He giggled and Ochako's heart jumped.

'My birthday is in months, silly!' She responded with a playful slap on the shoulder and he laughed.

'Let's drink guys! For Momo-chan and Shouto-kun engagement! Cheers!' exclaimed Mina raising her strawberry daiquiri and everyone cheered.

'OI! What the fuck are you guys on about?' screamed a familiar voice.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the pub and gasped. Ochako's eyes widen. Not so hidden in the crowd, she saw a familiar blond boy followed by his usual red-haired and blond friends. The blond boy in the centre with his red eyes and usual arrogant expression was looking straight at her.

Oh my god...

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