Chapter 4

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'How many fucking times do I have to tell you that I don't want to go?' swore Bakugou getting really pissed off. Both Kirishima and Kaminari had taken the liberty to enter his apartment while he wasn't there only to bug him to go out with them that night. He wanted to strangle them.

'Come on, don't be like that. We'll have fun. You know, it has been months since the last time Kaminari, you and I have spent time together. You work all the time.' said Kirishima getting really tired of repeating himself. Bakugou had been declining his invite to go out for WEEKS! He knew his friend was a workaholic so trying to keep into his thick skull was as easy as walking on water.

'I don't give a shit. Get the fuck out of my apartment!' screamed Bakugou now directing his attention towards Kaminari who was now laid on his couch booting his PlayStation.

'You're so boring Bakugou.' said the other blond rolling his eyes. 'Maybe you could get laid or something and wouldn't be so damn tense.'

'What the fuck did you just say-' ragged Bakugou making his way toward Kaminari but was stopped by Kirishima.

'Look-' said the red head placing himself between Bakugou and Kaminari. 'Come with us just tonight and we'll leave you alone forever after that.'

'You really think I fucking believe you? You're so full of shit!'

'I swear I won't bother you anymore to go out with us! I just... I miss my best friend, okay? I haven't seen you in weeks so how about we just go out, drink beer and have a good time?' asked Kirishima with a calm tone. He knew what he was doing was probably not going to work but he still wanted to try. Bakugou wasn't an idiot and he wasn't trying to treat him as one but sometimes it really felt like Kirishima was talking to a brick wall.

Bakugou looked at him for a second, his jaw clenched and his eyebrows pinched, before rolling his eyes.

'Fine... I'll go. But you better shut the fuck up after that or I will kill you.' complied Bakugou and Kirishima smiled.

'Thank you man! You won't regret it!' said Kirishima and Bakugo already felt like he was regretting his decision.

+ + +

Bakugo regretted his decision the second he stepped into the pub. Everyone was so obnoxiously loud, drunk and sweaty, he couldn't find any reason why anyone would ever spend a second of their life in this place. He was glad he was only wearing a t-shirt because the pub felt like an oven. He stepped inside followed by Kirishima and Kaminari on his heels. He didn't seem to recognize anyone at the pub.

'This is fucking lame.' He said crossing his arms.

'Can you at least wait a minute before complaining?' said Kaminari rapidly getting on Bakugo's nerve.

'Remind me with I'm still hanging out with you?' asked Bakugou to the other blond and he shrugged.

'Guys, I think I found a table in the corn-' started Kirishima before being interrupted by an obnoxiously familiar voice.

The three boys turned around to find none other than a pretty obvious drunk Mina with a pink drink in her hand. Bakugo couldn't even look at her for more than two seconds before feeling extremely uncomfortable. What the fuck is she wearing? He asked himself before looking somewhere else. He looks at Kirishima only to find that he was also starring at her but was rather enjoying the view, his eyes lingering on her body. She continued to talk nonsense before screaming to get everyone's attention.

'Let's drink guys! For Momo-chan and Shouto-kun engagement! Cheers!' she had said loud and clear followed by cheers.

Engagement? What the fuck?

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