Chapter 8

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Uraraka rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She needed some time alone before facing Mina this early in the morning. She splashed some water in her face and rubbed her eyes vigorously. She looked at herself in the mirror and almost fainted. She looked horrible. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was all smudged but most importantly she was horrified by the abundance of hickeys on her neck and on her chest. She was mortified. Bakugou had looked at her this morning and hadn't said anything. She couldn't believe it. She looked down and even noticed a hickey between her thighs. She had even looked at herself in her own bed and hadn't even noticed them. Uraraka didn't know how this morning could've been worse. She didn't even have an excuse. Mina had seen them, Bakugou had seen them and everyone was probably going to see them since they weren't placed in subtle areas.

She heard Mina knock on the door and Uraraka jumped.

'I brought you some clothes. I figured you probably needed some.' she said before Uraraka opened the door slightly for Mina to give her a bag.

Uraraka opened the bag and found underwear, a tank top and a pair of shorts. Very funny.

She sighed and dressed herself without complaining. She cleaned her face, brushed her hair and brushed her teeth before stepping outside the bathroom to meet Mina in the living room. Mina was waiting for her with a big grin on her face.

'Please don't make fun of me. I'm already embarrassed as it is.' said Uraraka unable to look her friend in the eyes.

Mina was exanimating her like an art piece in a museum. Uraraka wanted to erase the stupid grin off her face.

'Didn't know Bakugou was a freak like that.' joked Mina making Uraraka remember all the thins Bakugou had said to her the night before. 'What am I saying, of course I knew he'd do something like that.' she continued not helping the situation at all.

Uraraka turned toward the kitchen to go get something to eat.

'Is that a hickey on your thigh?' she asked and Uraraka covered herself, feeling a blush rush to her face. 'Oh my god it is! What the hell happened? Tell me everything!'

'I wish we didn't.' said Uraraka hiding herself from her very noisy friend.

'Come on! This is like super big news! Uraraka Ochako had sex with the Bakugou Katsuki and they are really not subtle about it. You guys are practically dating at this point.'

'We are not dating! This was a big mistake and it's never going to happen again!'

Ochako grabbed the milk and her favorite box of cereal before sitting on the couch next to friend.

Mina grumbled. 'You're no fun. Can you at least tell me if he was good or not?'

'Why would you want to know that?'

'Because I am curious. What did he do to you? He obviously went down there by the look of that thing on your thigh.' chuckled Mina making Ochako choked on her cereal.

'I am not talking about that. This is so embarrassing.' Ochako pouted.

'Okay fine. But was he good?' Mina asked again and Ochako sighed.

She couldn't deny it. The night was still a little bit blurry to her but Bakugou wasn't terrible in bed. He was definitely better than all the guys she had slept with. Her list was short and boring which wasn't much of a challenge to beat but he was by far the only one who had left her feeling satisfied. Of course, she wasn't going to admit that. Confessing that to Mina was like confessing a murder to a police officer. Mina was probably never going to shut up about it. But Ochako wasn't a good liar. She was even a terrible one.

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