Chapter 11

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Uraraka should've known this was a trap. 

The taxi drive to the secret location was far too silent for Uraraka's liking. Something was wrong. She started to pull on her dress nervously. She was glad for the wine glass she drank at the apartment an hour before or she would've been a nervous wreck. Her nerves were getting the best of her but she still trusted that Mina wouldn't prepare a double date with a freak, or worst, a murderer. Mina wasn't good with dates and so was Uraraka but she could trust her, right?

'Are you okay?' Mina asked finally looking up from her phone to Uraraka after five minutes in the cab.

'I'm good. I think. Why do you ask?

'You're quiet.' she replied and Mina held her hand. Her hand was warm which reassured Uraraka. 'It's going to be okay. I promise. You might be surprise.' she continued with a flirty wink.

Mina kept her hand on Uraraka for the rest of the ride. The warmth of her palm in her's was enough to keep Uraraka's heartbeat to a normal pace. As soon as she stepped out of the taxi with Mina, Uraraka was faced to face with Kirishima. Her guts felt like spaghetti and her heart started palpitating in her chest. The boy looked down at her and smiled. Uraraka had a feeling she knew who the other boy would be.

'Hey, nice to see you back!' said Kirishima cheerfully. He hugged her awkwardly and Uraraka wanted to go home already. 

'It's nice to see you too!' she laughed it off before starting pulling on her dress again.

The dress wasn't short per se. The dress was a rich deep burgundy colour with large straps and was about knee length. The dress hugged Uraraka's curves pretty nicely but stayed very flowy below her waist. She wasn't the type to go on a date with a skimpy little black dress. Pulling on her dress was her way to cope with the stress.

Uraraka could see him in the corner of her eye. He looked... fine. His hair looked shorter on the side. Perhaps he had gotten a haircut. Their eyes met and Uraraka looked away and blushed. He stayed in the back and was very quiet while Mina and Kirishima were having a conversation in the middle. She could feel his explosive aura from about seven feet away. She hadn't seen him since they had parted ways on their last day of working together. It had been a couple days already and to be quite honest, Uraraka was happy to see him back.

'You looked surprise when you saw me.' said Kirishima to Uraraka and she snapped back to look at him.

 'Mina didn't really tell me who were were going to meet, to be honest...' she fumbled with a shy smile.

'Seems we're in the same fucking boat.' replied Bakugou sending daggers to Kirishima.


'Anyways, how about we go inside? It's so cold!' cut Mina already shivering in her small dress. Uraraka followed suit. She was cold as well.

They entered the building and Uraraka had to process what was in front of her. There was a small stage and a couple of tables sprawled around a big room. The room was full and loud but not as loud as the pub they had met two weeks ago. The ambiance was far more relaxed and people weren't drunkenly trying to talk over each other.

'Where are we?' finally asked Uraraka as Mina was looking for a table big enough for the four of them.

'I found this place online a couple of days ago. It's a new comedy club and pub that recently opened. Isn't it exciting?' replied Mina like it was the the most brilliant thing that had ever happen. It was certainly not a bad place. The room was very modern and looked very nice. Not bad. 'Come with me get a drink!' she pulled Uraraka aside to the bar area.

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