Chapter 10

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Note: This chapter has been stuck in my draft since September ......sorry about that lmao

Uraraka was anxious to see Bakugou again. Yesterday, she had felt some type of way after her confession about her aunt and the air between the two had shifted. He was much kinder to her and wasn't bitter like he had acted in the morning. The way he had reacted after, telling her to stop worrying about it, gave her a weird feeling inside. She didn't have much sleep that night. She was obviously overreacting. They were nothing more than co-workers that perhaps had a bit of an history. It was better to not dwell on these feelings since she was the only one that was feeling this way.

The next morning, she went to her office and noticed him sitting at her desk. They still had a small list of civilians they had to interrogate so it wasn't a surprise to see him there. However, she was still stiff and could feel her heartbeat quicken at the sight of him. He looked attractive in his hero suit. She was glad he hadn't seen her yet because she was really not discreetly checking him out.

Once she had seen enough, she walked towards him and he looked up to look at her. He looked sleepy. His eyes lingered on her and Uraraka felt her skin tingle.

'Good morning.' she beamed waiting for him to say it back. She tried to stay upbeat even though she was tired as well.

Bakugou didn't answer right away. He instead looked away with an annoying expression on his face.

'Tch. Let's go.' he hissed before walking past her hitting her shoulder in the way.

Uraraka couldn't be any more confused. His change in behaviour felt like a slap in the face and she wasn't having it.

I see he's back to his normal self, she thought feelings her hands curled up into fists. She caught up to him outside and tried to stop him.

'What's up with you this morning?' she asked gently poking him in the ribs.

The blond boy seemed offended by that gesture.

'None of your business, Round Face.' He said walking ahead of her.

That stupid name again.

She caught up to him again. He was apparently really determined this morning to confuse the hell out of her. Uraraka could feel something was up. She tried to take a look at his face but he was really determined to keep his gaze away from her.

'Why are you so cranky?' she asked again and he sighed.

'Like I said, none of your fucking business.'

Uraraka shut her mouth and took some steps back. He obviously had his reason to not talk to her and she reluctantly stopped. She was a little hurt that he wouldn't even explain himself but she stayed quiet.

Whatever, I'll get over it.

They continued their walk around the neighbourhood in silence. The awkward silent felt weird at first but Uraraka warmed up to it. She wasn't in a talkative mood anyways. Some civilians stopped and stared at the duo in awe.

We only have a few stops in this area and we can go back to the office this afternoon.' Said Uraraka and Bakugou didn't say anything. 'I sure we won't have to wait long before we can rescue the civilians form the League.'

They continued to walk in silence before Uraraka felt someone tug on her suit.

'Uravity! Can I have a picture?' asked a little girl not older than five years old with a radiant smile. Uraraka looked down and saw two other girls with little camera followed by their mother.

Uraraka couldn't resist. She looked at Bakugou and the boy huffed and looked away before saying a small 'Whatever'. She took the pictures and continued her walk before getting stopped again to sign an autograph. People seemed to really like her and Uraraka felt her chest pudd up with joy. After what felt like the hundredth picture and the hundredth signed photo, Bakugou got frustrated and pulled on her arm, forcing her to follow him.

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