Chapter 7

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Uraraka woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. The light from the sun was so bright she could barely open her eyes. She moved her bangs out of her eyes before raising herself on her elbows.

She couldn't seem to remember why she felt so sick. Everything from the night prior felt like a big blur. Uraraka wiped her eyes with her fingers before feeling her memories come back slowly to her. She remembered going out with Mina and a couple of friends the night before. She remembered seeing Deku and also remembered Momo's announcement. And then she remembered seeing Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugou. She remembered her little conversation at the bar with the blond and little glances they were giving each other. Uraraka felt her heart drop to her stomach once she finally remembered what happened after she had left the bar.

She had slept with Bakugou. She had slept with the arrogant boy she went to high school with. He had seen her naked. Worse than that, she told herself remembering seeing him between her legs. She hid her face under the sheets, so embarrassed she wanted to scream. She realized that she was in fact still fully naked. She was about to get up to take a shower that she realized that she was in fact not alone in her room.

She looked on the other side of her bed and saw him laid there still in his boxers. Uraraka froze. How had she not realized that he was there? His eyes were still closed and his face looked so peaceful. A rare sight to see him like that.

Uraraka wanted to hide. She really didn't want him to see her. She was in apartment so it's not like she could run home because she was in her house.

What was I thinking? she thought furious at her drunk self for letting him come to her apartment.

She could hide in the bathroom until he left. That was a good idea. The only thing was she was too scared that he would wake up and see her naked body run to the bathroom. She could try but the fear was too much for her. Covering herself with the bedsheets was probably the best option.

She tried to pull on the covers without waking him up but quickly realized that he was laying on top of all of them. Mission failed.

She could crawl. Just thinking about crawling to the bathroom completely naked to escape a sleeping Bakugou wasn't something she thought she would have to experience in her lifetime. She soon realized that the plan was also failure when she tried to slide herself off the bed before getting her foot caught up in the sheet and falling on the floor with a big thud. She looked up to see if she had woken up Bakugou and looked straight into his red eyes. Shit.

'What the fuck are you doing?' he asked his voice still half asleep and deep. Uraraka stayed silent. 'What time is it?' he asked and Uraraka looked at the alarm clock next to her bed.

'It's almost ten o'clock. Do you want me to get you something?' she said trying to change the subject. She hid herself by covering her chest with her hands and moving closer to the bed so he couldn't see past her bare shoulders.

'I'm not staying another fucking second here.' Bakugou said standing up.

Ochako didn't know what to say. Was she really expecting him to stay? No really but it was still hurtful for some reason that he was still rude to her after what happened the night before. Uraraka couldn't stop staring at his perfect body. God, how could someone looking this good could be such an irritating piece of shit.

'You don't have to be a jack ass, you know?'

'What the fuck did you just say?' said Bakugou with his usual intimidating tone that Uraraka was used to. He turned around looking at her directly in the eyes. He looked down quickly and Ochako felt really self-conscious of the situation she was in. 'You must really be a fucking dumbass if you thought that I was planning on staying here with you.'

'I just asked if you wanted something like a glass of water, I don't know.' Ochako was starting to get really upset. She pulled on the bedsheets to cover herself. He was still looking at her. 'Gosh, you're so rude.'

She stood up and the bedsheets almost fell to the floor. She squealed and grabbed the covers back up before wrapping it around herself. Bakugou chuckled.

'What? You're scared that I'll look? It's not like I haven't seen it before.' He smirked before turning around looking for his shirt. Uraraka was baffled. If she wasn't naked, she probably would've strangled him.

'You are literally the worst person I have ever met.' she blurted out without a second thought. Bakugou didn't seemed surprise by her confession. 'No wonder Camie broke up with you.'

Bakugou froze before looking at Uraraka with a furious look in his eyes. She had pulled on a sensitive string.

'First of all, I broke up with her. And second, I don't need your fucking input on my relationships.' he said walking closer to Ochako. He was very close to her but Uraraka stood her ground. 'You think you're the shit now? Didn't know you were a fucking dating expert.'

'Never said I was one.'

'Well looks like it with all the shitty dates you've been on.' he replied back referring to last night's conversation.

Ochako stayed silent, trying not to feed into his little game. She knew if she said anything, he would've barked something meaner. Trying not to start a fight she knew she couldn't win without getting her feelings hurt, she decided to just glare at him. Bakugou smirked and turned around to dress. Uraraka just looked at him. Sleeping with Bakugou really was what her social life needed. Good thing Mina wasn't aware of what had just happened or Uraraka was done for.

Once he was completely dressed Uraraka was boiling.

'I never want to see you again.' She said under her breathe very quietly but not quiet enough for Bakugou to hear it. The blond looked at her little flushed face and raised an eyebrow.

'Don't worry, it's not like it's ever going ever happen again.' he said before turning his heels and walking out of her room. As soon as he stepped out, Uraraka felt like she could breathe again. She heard the door open and a girlish scream at the door. Uraraka wanted to die.

'Get the fuck out of my way.' She heard Bakugou scream before stomping out of her apartment into the hallway.

Uraraka heard little footsteps rush to her door before seeing Mina's head pop out in her room.

'Am I crazy or did I just witness Bakugou do the walk of shame out of our apartment?' she said before seeing Uraraka's flushed face and naked body hidden behind the bedsheets. Mina's face lit up like a Christmas tree. 'You have a lot to explain to do, young lady.'

'I don't want to talk about it.' Uraraka said and Mina laughed.

'I am not giving you a choice. I'll be waiting in the living room. I need all the details.' Mina said with a devilish smile on her face.

It was at that exact moment that Ochako realized that Mina was never going to let that moment go. Ever. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What had she done?

Small and boring chapter because I have a small writer's block. I want to say thank you to everyone who are reading my book and are enjoying it. It's my first BNHA fanfiction so I apologize if the character are OOC (out of character). I am trying my best to stay true to the characters but are modifying them so that the story actually works lmao. Again, thank you so reading my book and sorry for the errors and stuff english is hard.

Next chapter will be more interesting so stay for the good stuff hehe

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