Chapter 9

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Hey i posted a new kacchako au called 'Daddy' !! go check it out!!

As they were making their way to their first destination, Bakugou couldn't stop thinking about what she had said earlier. He was angry. How dare she makes a scene in front of everyone for something so fucking pointless? She was so stubborn and hard-headed; she was doing it on purpose! She couldn't just shut the fuck up and agree with him, couldn't she?

He hated the fact that she reminded him of his ex-girlfriend in a way. He tried to evade that thought immediately. She was nothing like her. Even if Uraraka was a hard-headed bitch, nothing could compare to Camie's abominable personality.

He couldn't believe he was stuck with her. She was stubborn but at least she wasn't completely useless. He had taken a look at her co-workers and they were a bunch of losers and lazy fuckers. He was about to feel bad for her but swallowed his thought when she blew up in his face. He might have despised her that time but he couldn't look over the fact that she had guts.

They were walking in perfect silence with Uraraka showing the way occasionally. She was the one with the civilian's addresses. Bakugou wanted to argue but couldn't find the energy for.

They made a left turn but Uraraka stopped.

'No wait, we were supposed to turn right.' she said with an anxious laugh.

Bakugou was already annoyed.

'This is a fucking waste of time.' he complained and Uraraka looked up, looking him in the eyes. 'This shouldn't be our job. I should be fighting villains, not fucking walking around like a dumbass.'

'This isn't about you. People's lives are in danger right now.' said Uraraka looking away. 'If I was a civilian, I'd be scared and would like people to do anything to find me.'

Bakugou huffed. He wasn't going to feel sorry for them because of her. He didn't know any of the civilians but one of his co-worker's daughter had been taken. It was sad to see his co-worker so heartbroken and Bakugou tried to ignore him. It's not like he was taking it personally. He was just doing his job and his job wasn't going door to door like a fucking peasant.

'Good thing I'm not a fucking idiot and wouldn't let that happen.'

Uraraka stayed silent and looked away. Bakugou felt like he had said something wrong or she was hiding something. He ignored the horrible feeling but still felt a little guilty of his choice of words. It's not my fault she is so fucking sensitive, he told himself and they continued walking in the worst awkward silence he had ever seen. Great.

As they were making their way to a denser neighborhood, more and more civilians recognized them. They were pretty recognizable with their iconic hero costumes.

Bakugou had kept his costume's colors pretty intact but had made a lot of changes to accommodate his explosions. He had added secret tanks inside his grenades to store sweat as well as grounded boots to help with his balance when his explosions were too much for his own weight. Also, his grenades were upgraded to stabilize his weight during flight. He couldn't use them properly yet but it was a great addition.

Bakugou looked down at Uraraka's costume and didn't notice any changes since high school. She still wore her tacky black and pink costume with the big space boots and weird looking belt. However, he noticed that the weird bracelets she once wore were now replaced by black finger-less gloves.

He was going to ask her why she was wearing those atrocious gloves but got cut off by her.

'It's that way.' she pointed toward a small house on the other side of the road with a little smile. She looked both ways before crossing and Bakugou followed her. Why did she have to look so cute while literally doing nothing.

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