Chapter 12

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Dedicated to @Speckmanu for getting it right ;)

Also if you haven't seen, I have two other stories on profile. Go check them out!

Bakugou wanted to kill him. He really did.

As the taxi pulled over in front of them and he saw her get out of the car, he knew this had been the plan from the start.

Hey, a new bar opened in town and it looks super nice. Let's go there this weekend, Kirishima had said at the gym for their biweekly gym session.

I'm not going anywhere with you, not after what happened last time.

Come on, it wasn't like I planned that our old school mates would be there.

I still don't trust you.

Come on, dude. I'll buy you a drink.

You're a fucking idiot if you think I'll drink with you.

Please, I don't want to go by myself.

Bakugou should've said no. He should've listen to reason and refused to go. But he agreed and now had to suffer the consequences.

'Hey, nice to see you back!' Kirishima had said like he hadn't seen her in a decade. He also bent down to hug her which was fucking painful to watch.

'It's nice to see you too.' she said back and Bakugou could clearly see the discomfort in her face.

For fuck's sake, what the fuck was she wearing? Bakugou tried to restrain himself from looking at her but it seemed like all manners were out of the window. She looked too good that Bakugou could feel his chest puff up. The wind caught in her skirt and he got a glimpse of her thigh. Her thigh was that around his face in a not so long memory.


He looked away, and tried to ignore the fact that her legs were exposed, her hair looked so smooth, her hands were pulling on her dress like she was nervous and that they were in fact in public.

'You looked surprise when you saw me.' the fucking idiot said like he hadn't planned the whole fucking thing. Bakugou wanted to laugh.

 'Mina didn't really tell me who were were going to meet, to be honest...'

Bakugou looked up at Pinky and in that moment wanted to strangle her.

That fucking bitch.

'Seems we're in the same fucking boat.' Bakugou said faster than his mind could process.

Mina whined that she was cold so everyone finally went inside. They entered the building and Bakugou was honestly really impressed by the interior design. Not that he fucking cared anyways but it was nice to be in surrounded by a relaxed environment unlike last time he went out with friends. Everyone was finally decent enough to not scream like animals too. 

Uraraka asked where they were and Bakugou was surprised by her ignorance. Did those two clowns really not tell her anything?

'I found this place online a couple of days ago. It's a new comedy club and pub that recently opened. Isn't it exciting?' replied Pink Bitch and Bakugou could feel his blood boil.

Of course she was the one that found this place.

When they finally left for the bar, Bakugou could barely see straight.

'You're so full of shit. You're lucky there's people around because I would literally beat the shit out of you right now.' said Bakugou on the verge of going berserk. Kirishima stayed quiet. 'So what? You're fucking the alien and you still need a chaperon on your fucking date. Is that it?'

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