Chapter 13

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When Kirishima arrived at the table, Uraraka was glad that Yo's attention had finally shifted to someone else than her. She very uncomfortable. Even when they were together, he had never acted that way before. The way he was so close to her and even putting his arm around her was not something he usually did in public; or ever.

She looked down at her drink and noticed that it was almost empty. She didn't really feel like drinking anymore now that Yo was around. She wanted to go home.

'How's work? I heard you were working with an agency in town?' he asked Uraraka, taking her by surprise.

'Yeah, I'm working on a case about the missing civilians which is linked to the League. I can't really talk too much about it.' she replied not trying to disclose of all the private information.

His joyful eyes on her was somewhat unsettling. His smile and happy aura was completely throwing her off. The more she looked at him , the more he was reminding her of Dek-

'That sounds interesting.' he cheered and Uraraka felt her stomach drop.

'Not really.' she continued, not sure if her voice had cracked. 'It's a lot of paperwork and stuff.' She sipped on her drink and noticed her glass was now empty. Shit. 'Who are you here with?'

'Just friends from work. Lot of them from Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu.' he laughed and no one laughed with him. Ouch. 'Want me to get you another drink?' he asked and Uraraka wanted him to go away. She looked down and back to him, feeling her throat go dry.

'Actually you can fuck off now.' Bakugou had said and Uraraka suddenly felt Yo freeze next to her. She was still as well.

She looked up to see Bakugou smirk at Yo; a not so friendly smirk if she had ever seen one. She looked at her ex and noticed that all his attention was now on the blond. Uraraka felt very small.

Yo laughed and Uraraka couldn't have missed how fake it sounded. His smile had faded slightly and his arm fell from her chair.

She couldn't breathe. As for Bakugou, his eyes were kept on Yo.

What kind of game was he playing?


Bakugou kept his eyes in his.

'You're funny, I like that.' said Yo, his eyes completely empty with an unsettling friendly smile. 'I think it's a good time to go actually.' he added and Bakugou could've jump on the table from joy. 'It was nice meeting you guys.' he continued giving Bakugou one last look before he finally left them alone.

His absence left a heavy weight on the table. Mina was the first one to talk.

'What a weirdo that guy.' she laughed and sipped on her drink. 'I can't believe you dated him. Also nice save there, Bakugou.' she continued sending Bakugou a wink.

For once tonight, Bakugou didn't mind Mina's flirtatious behavior in the slightest.

'He wasn't so bad.' said Cheeks with a nervous chuckle. 'But, I guess he is a bit too friendly.' she stopped and looked at Bakugou then back at her empty glass on the table.

The four of them continued to talk (mostly Mina) and also enjoyed the comedians on the stage. Bakugou was not really listening to her babbling anymore. His attention was almost completely on her. Since that fucking idiot had showed up, she seemed quieter and spaced out.

He gently kicked her leg under the table and she jolted back to reality.

'WHat?' she said and Bakugou tried his best not to laugh.

'You good?' he asked trying not to look too concerned. Cause, you know, he didn't care.

'Yeah, I'm okay.' she replied, not looking him in the eyes. Look at me. 'I don't know... I'm still processing what happened earlier, I guess.'

'Did it bothered you that much that Yo was there?' asked Kirishima, butting in their conversation.

'I mean, not really... But I wasn't really expecting to see him tonight.'

Well, no shit.

'You never told me how you guys broke up.' said Mina and Cheeks sighed. 'Feels like you guys just stopped talking to each other overnight.'

'Well, that's pretty much what happened. I wasn't really feeling like the relationship was going anywhere so I told him that I wanted to concentrate on my career.'

'And how did he take it?' asked Kirishima.

'It went okay. He looked like he took it well.' she replied with a shy smile.

Bakugou just stared at her and frowned. Was she fucking blind? Bakugou hadn't even spend fifteen minutes with the moron and he could tell that the dude was clearly not over it. Just the ways he had locked her in and had made her uncomfortable was making him angry.

But what can I do about it? Bakugou asked himself. It's not like he had any say in any of that. He looked back at her and for a quick second, he felt something weird in his guts. Why the fuck was he feeling so angry about this?

To change his mind, Bakugou stood up without a word and went to the bar to order himself a beer. He wasn't really feeling like drinking too much so he ordered a small glass. While he was there, he ordered another drink for Cheeks. After that fucker's had messed up the atmosphere, she probably needed one. The bar was fairly quiet which Bakugou was glad. He whipped out his phone while he waited.

The wait was not very long but was long enough for an unwanted person to approach him.

'So, what's up with you and Ochako?' asked a voice to his right and Bakugou could already feel his blood boil.

He looked and saw him leaning on the bar casually. He was smiling at the blond but his smile wasn't reaching his eyes. The way Yo had said her given name was really hitting Bakugou at all the wrong places.

'Don't think it's any of your fucking business.' he replied before looking back at his phone.

Yo was not a short man but he was still a few centimeters shorter than Bakugou. Both men could almost see each other eye to eye. However, his lean and fit physique was nothing but comical compared to Bakugou's broad shoulders and muscular frame.

'Look I'm not here to make trouble. It's nice to see Ochako is still hanging around her friends, even though I've never seen you around.' he laughed and Bakugou was starting to think that maybe the guy was not aware that the shit he was saying was not funny at all. Yo looked at him and his eyes were much darker and less friendlier. 'But anyways, you really pisser me off back there.'

Bakugou chuckled.

'Oh yeah? I wonder why.'

Yo's empty eyes and wide smile was now making Bakugou uncomfortable. The guy really needed help.

'You should really back off. If you're not into her, which I'll suppose you're not, I'll just ask you to get back in your land.'

At his words, Bakugou could feel a smile spread on his face. Did the idiot really think he was being intimidating?

'And you're going to stop me?' Bakugou replied looking him up and down. 'I'd like to see you try.'

'Don't get your head in your ass. You ain't her type anyways.'

'Not what she said when I was pounding her at her apartment last week.'

Yo's smile didn't fade but his stare went blank. Bakugou was having the time of his life.

'Right. See you around, buddy.' Yo replied and Bakugou was done with him.

Bakugou grabbed his drink and Ochako's before turning his heels away from him without looking back.

Sorry for the late update. I had so many projects due this week I was overwhelmed and couldn't find a way to write this chapter. Hope you guys like this chapter nonetheless :) Also thank you for almost 10k and for #1 on the kacchako tag, I love you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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