Chapter 2

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I just want to apologize in advance for any grammatical mistakes or wrong spellings.
I hope you like this chapter

Avery's pov

Its been months now and yeah it seems things are getting worse.

I get beaten without reasons and my condition gets worse every day, and I don't know about Richards condition because they don't allow me to see him alone thinking I would want to do something bad to him.

No one trusts me now except the maids that got along with me since I came to this house. They believed I didn't want to poison Richard. But here the people who knows me thinks I was the one who has the intention to poison a fatherly figure in my life.

I'm in my room and trying to get up from the cold ground. yes, the ground. Damon had the bed removed cause according to him 'I don't deserve to lie on a bed if he knew I was this evil'.

I feel pains all over my body due to the beatings I received days ago. remember I get beaten for no reason.

I managed to stand as I used the wall as support. I tried to shower despite the belt marks and pains all over my body. I got dressed and slowly came down to get some food cause I haven't come out of my room for a full day to prevent beatings from Damon and his girlfriend. When I looked at myself on the mirror today I was skinny with swollen eyes and a battered body.

I slowly got to the kitchen and I met Martha there. Martha is the head cook she's over 50 years old. She's the person I take advice from whenever I get abused by Damon and his girlfriend. I remember her telling me to stick by loved ones even when they male mistakes cause one day they will realize that they did wrong.

I guess I've stayed around enough because the result of sticking around is painful.

"Good morning Martha" I greeted
She suddenly turned and with a smile playing on her lips "Hey dear how are you. I haven't seen you in like forever " I laughed at her attempt to use according to her 'the reigning words' but winced once I felt pains on my ribs.

"Oh dear are you okay? You don't look fine. Have y.... Oh my" she said looking shocked "Is that injury I see on your arms? Oh your face.. Who did th... "

"Hey you maids" we both turned and saw Megan standing at the door I sighed in defeat as I hoped she didn't have any evil intentions running through her mind this time.
"I'm hungry make me some food" she screeched.

I shooke my head in disbelief at Damon's choice of girlfriend
"Ok ma'am what would you.. "
Martha was cut off by Megan "I clearly wasn't talking to you, you old hag. I'm talking to the bonny structure beside you". I was shocked at her statement because she was referring to me.

It pained me to know what she thinks of me. Knowing that Damon maltreated me, abused me and all. I mean this wasn't the life I wished for myself.

"You old woman are one of the reasons why Damon hasn't proposed to me yet " she added referring to Martha

"How dare you speak to her in that manner you witch" I yelled ignoring the pains in my ribs.
"Oh so you can talk mutey and how dare you speak to me in that manner you bitch. You think I can't deal with you" she screeched again annoyingly.

We heard footsteps coming down from the stairs and what she did next shocked Martha and I to the core.

She smirked and quickly roughed her hair and used her red lipstick from her lips to rub all over her face and hands. She threw her bangles all over the floor and she used her claw like nails to scratch all over her body causing blood to appear all over her body.

How could she...

"What the heck is going on here" Damon growled.
"Oh D... Damon babe your jealous whore of a wife did this " Megan fake cried running to his side

My eyes widened as I heard what she said. "She did what!!" He yelled.
"Ah... she.. she did this and your maid didn't do anything to help me she was just standing there"
I turned to look at Martha whose eyes was also widened like mine at the lie of Megan.

I was still looking at Martha when I felt a strong grip on my arm that turned me around roughly. Oh no it was Damon and guess what he was gonna hit me again. This time in front of Martha and other maids who had gathered to watch this drama.

I was still standing with my head hung low cause I know what's about to follow I felt a sting on my left cheek and a tear fell. He raised his hands again and on reflex I used my hands to cover my face and he hit my hands that covered my face. It stung... Alot
tears fell from my eyes. I hate life. The marks are better on my body than my face. You know its humiliating for maids to see your face with bruises and them knowing they saw your husband hit you is really bad.

I knew this was the last straw for me. I can't stay here anymore, if this was my fate then I might as well live it but not in this manner. The manner of me getting abused day by day by my own husband who has turned into a monster is unbearable.

I waited and waited. I expected another slap or worse but nothing.
"Don't tell you your not going to just leave her after all she this to me. One slap is not enough, beat her!". I heard gaps I and looked up to find the maids, Kiara Damon's sister and his mother staring at the whole drama in shock. They were all looking at me with pity in their eyes and I hated that look.

I guess this is the end of this torture by the people who I once loved.

I turned to leave but was stopped by a furious looking Megan who pushed me backwards and I fell.

All the pains now engulfing me and the same time numbness engulfing me, I didn't know what I hit my head on because all I can see is a shocked Damon whose eyes was empty, a shocked Kiara and Martha who was gripping the hands of Damon's mother in fear and a smirking Megan.

I guess this is the last straw. I'm tired. I really am.

Then I blacked out.

Hope you liked this chapter 🙂

Who is your favorite artiste?

Mine is was Nipsey Hussle
But now its Drake

Q. O. T. D.... What do you think of Damon?

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