Chapter 33

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Ugh... Today was hectic at the office. There's this deal we all had to work hard on and our profit would triple if we get it, our boss isn't going easy with us this period. All I just need is to bet in my warm bed and sleep away all the stress. Today's Friday though and I'm happy because I don't think I can take another stressful day at work. Avery thought grumbling as she got into the safety of her apartment.
She quickly took a hot bath as the weather is really cold and it seems there's going to be a heavy downpour of rain this night.
She ate and quickly got into bed and immediately she dozed off. The sound of water hitting against the roof and windows managed to soot her.


The knock on the door woke Avery up. 'At this hour? When the storm is still raging? Who the hell?' She thought in anger.
She immediately ran to the kitchen grabbing the closest thing she could find which was a frying pan as she slowly walked to the door.
She tried looking into the peep hole but she couldn't see anything as everything was dark because the rain was still falling heavily.

Finally after taking in some deep breaths, Avery opened the door a little trying not to make a sound but she failed as the person who was sitting on her doormat immediately stood up as he heard the door open.
'Its a man' Avery thought.

"Who a… Damon?" She asked in shock and surprise.

"Uh Hi I um- I just..." Damon rambled nervously as he ran his hands through his wet hair.

"What are you doing here? That too at this time if the night! Again when its raining hard! Are you mad or something?" Avery yelled in anger.

"I... I'm sorry. I just-" just then thunder broke out making her jump in fear. She never liked rain.
She couldn't leave him out here alone. She tried looking for his car but it was no where to be found.

"Just get in" Ave grumbled as she opened the door wider and Damon was more than happy to enter her safe heaven.

Damon was excited, in fact, excited was not the word. He was ecstatic.
He was at home when the heavy rainfall and thunderstorm started and he was scared. Not for himself but for Avery. He knew she hated rain not to talk of thunders. He was really distressed that he couldn't sleep, he was so worried. Then he did what he thought was best. He came out of his house and his driver saw him asking to drive.

They got here and Damon insisted that this driver leaves and he obeyed his boss's order.
It was then he ran to her door knocking endlessly. He wished she heard his knock. It was at this time she was wrapped herself in a corner'. He'd thought.

When he didn't get an answer for the past five minutes, he decided to sleep at her door despite the raging storm. He wasn't at all worried about himself. His wife was his main priority. And when the door creaked open, his joy knew no bounds.

He saw how she yelled at him concern shining in her eyes. He felt happy that at least, she still cared about him.
He saw how she jumped when the thunder bolted and he almost regretted his actions as it even brought her out in the cold. And when she invited her in... His heart kept leaping out of his chest if that was even possible.

'Her apartment is so her' Damon thought. It was so unique that he couldn't help but sigh in joy and relief as her lavender and roses smell hit him. He felt at home. He hadn't felt this peace and content in years.

" Here" Avery tossed some clothes into his hands. It was part of the recent clothes she bought when she'd gone shopping. She wanted really baggy clothes and that was when she got these.

Damon was still standing where she'd left him. 'Good' she thought.
His wet clothes has already created a puddle of water underneath him. Follow me" she said in anger and he followed like a lost puppy.
"Go there and change" Avery ordered as she pointed to the guest room door at the side.
Damon obeyed as he didn't want to get her angrier than she already was.


While Damon changed, Avery thought to make hot chocolate for him. Not because she cares but because she wasn't heartless. What difference would it make if she treated him the way he did to her. They'd both be monsters and she wasn't one. Also, Damon gets sick easily.
When droplets of water touches him, he gets sick not to talk of him spending note than 20 minutes in the heavy downpour of rain.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night" Avery fumed as she heard Damon enter the sitting room where she was waiting for him.

"Um I- I just" Damon again rambled nervously.

"Cut the bullshit. Now why are you here" she asked again.

"Okay sorry. I uh just thought I should um come and see how you're doing. I- I know you hate rains and thunderstorms and you get scared of them so I j-just came to see if you are alright" Damon explained nervously.

Avery scoffed. "Oh really?. This is not the first time I've been alone during rains and thunderstorms you know, I've also spent the night outside in the rain remember?" She sneered at him remembering how he drove her out one night in the rain. She had begged and begged but he paid deaf ears to her pleas.

Damon's face fell at that. He didn't want to remember their past. But it seemed she still had them locked in her head.
"I'm deeply sorry I..."

"No need for the apologies now. What's done is done and it  helped me know who you really are, the kind of person you are at least. Take this, it'll help your cold. Sleep in the guest room when your done. I'm going back to sleep as you took that away from me like you do to everything I find peace and solace" Avery sneered and walked to her room.

On the other hand, Damon felt miserable. He was nothing but a monster during their marriage and he felt really ashamed of himself.
He looked down to the cup on his hand and the sight of her warm chocolate warmed his heart. She's an angel.

He took a sip of the hot chocolate and groaned when the sweet taste danced merrily in his mouth. He walked to the room where she'd ask him to stay and plopped down on the bed.

He had the best feeling right now. Even if he slept on the floor in her sitting room, he would be so happy and honoured if she asked him to.

'I love you so much angel' Damon thought as his eyes felt droopy and they finally closed as sleep engulfed him knowing he was about to get sick but he grinned in his mind when he realised who'd be taking care of him.


Don't forget the drill.
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