Chapter 21

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Damon's pov

"No you don't tell me that! Just tell me how she is! " Damon yelled at the other doctor who was paired with Mason to take care of Avery because she had a slight fever as a result of catching a cold that day.
Mason his dumb friend according to him wouldn't give anything away about Avery's condition and it troubled him greatly. Mason said earlier he should stay away from Avery because all he has done since she came into his love is to hurt her.
"Man I think you should stay away from her. All you've done is hurt her. She's like my little sister and just because you are my best man doesn't mean I'll let you hurt her. Just let her be" he remembered Mason saying.


I'm currently sitting on my office  chair, feeling so fuc*ing  restless. I know I've not been the best person someone like my parents would love.
My parents especially my father was so dissappointed in me when he heard of what I did. He isn't even talking to me like before and to think we just amended our father- son relationship. I don't know, I just keep ruining everything. 

I kept staring at my cellphone  wallpaper as I sat in my office chair.
She is my wallpaper. I remember talking this picture when we managed to get along before. She was cooking something for us to eat when I captured the moment on my camera.
I now respect her saying which was "every moment needs to be on camera " 
I looked at the really big framed picture of her on my wall that is facing me and a smaller one on my large desk.
My door burst open and Mason walked in with a cheeky smile on his face.
Oh no. Not this idiot

"Hey bestie " he breathed out slumping in relief on my office couch.

"What do you want now" I grumbled

"Ouch you don't seen happy to see me. I am your only bestie" he cried out dramatically and I rolled my eyes frowning.

I think when he saw that I wasn't in the mood he sobered up. 

"Okay okay what crawled up your ass and died. What happened to you" he asked sobering up.

"You took my wife away from me is what happened! " I yelled in anger.

"This is the reason why " he yelled back at me.

I clenched my jaw in anger, curling my fingers to prevent me from swinging at him with my fist.
"What fucking reason are you talking about " I asked calmly to suppress my anger.

"You have a fucking temper!  You are too harsh, you have anger issues and I must tell you, you need help!  You can't be like this or else she will continue to hate you, you need to control your anger" he yelled in frustration.
" I can't let you hurt her because you've done enough already. You hit her, you do all manner of things to her, she has feelings too you know. All she has done is support you in all you do and you hit her, you don't support her in anything she does. She asked you to let her work and you refused. She finally gets one for herself and you are mad at her. For what?  For making her own choices." Mason said in pity

"I-I was just trying to protect her " I said in agony because realization of all I did is falling heavily on me.

"Protect her? " mason scoffed
" we need to protect her from you"

I snapped my head up at him in shock.

" yes " he said when he saw I looked up at him in shock.

"All you need is therapy to control your fucking anger and watch,  everything will go smoothly for you man" Mason said smiling reassuringly.

I sat down, my body slumping in defeat like the whole world was placed on my shoulders.

I need help..

To make things work for Mysef and Avery.

For Avery and I.

"Alright I guess. I will take the therapy. For Avery " I said smiling.
  for my baby.

"Just for Avery alone? " Mason whined

"Fuck off dude " I said trying to hide my smile.
Don't get me wrong. I'm smiling because I feel this therapy to control my anger issues is going to make me a whole new person and maybe I will be able to woo my wife back.

"Oh no way. I bring a solution to you after brainstorming on ideas to help your rude ass and all I get is nothing!  Instead Avery takes em' all " he whined dramatically stomping his right foot and pouting.

"Jesus Christ what do you want from me. Fine, Thank you " I replied

"And that's better" he gave a wide ugly smile.

"Now leave. I need to concentrate on my work. I run a multi million dollar company unlike you " I said trying to make him go away.

" oh you mean concentrating on your cellphone wall paper? " he snorted

"So what, get the fuck out of my office  "

"Okay okay I'm leaving" he sulked. As he got to the door he turned back smiling smugly.

"What now." I pushed

"I'm going to tell Avery you threw me out of your office because I tried to  help you and you refused" he said smugly and my eyes widened in fear.

"Why you little bit... "
Bang. My office door interrupted me.

This bastard. He Shut the door while I was still talking. 

I guess... It's time for therapy.

What do you think!?

Thanks for reading :)

The chase is on. Wait and expect the next chapter!!!!!

Oh don't forget to follow me on IG @Nittah _bee

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