chapter 42

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Hey there...
Sorry for the late update... I know sorry doesn't cut it because I've been a shitty writer lately and I'm trying my best to do all I can to update. To all my loyal and faithful readers who supports me, I'm sorry.

I'd like y'all to check the cover👆. Made by yours truly😁

svjreddy this is for you. Thank you so much for the boost.

Damon's pov

I don't know how long I sat staring at the angel laying before me. Even in her sleep she still had stress lines in her forehead which clearly showed she wasn't at peace.

It wasn't until I heard Mason's voice did I come out of my misery. The misery I have been in for too long.
"I don't know what to do man. She's suffering and she doesn't want anyone to help her. I can't keep seeing her like this" I voiced our my fears to Mason as he listened attentively.

"Look man, I don't know how to do this but show her you're there for her. Show her you really care, be there for her and even though she pushes you away don't relent. She needs you, hell you both need each other" Mason advised me.

I cracked a small smile since I came here "when did you grow up. Look at you giving me an advice" I mocked smiling.

"Since you behaved like an asshole" Mason retorted sticking out his tongue childishly.

"We're you able to get the information on Avery's parents I asked you to get" I asked Mason.
"Yes I did. It's on the table in the sitting room. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to see someone important on the other side of this house. I get this vibe off him. He might be like me" Mason said playfully but I could detect the seriousness in his voice.

"Good luck" we both said simultaneously and chuckled at our antics.

I'd do all I can to keep Avery safe. I need to see if her parents intentions are clear this time.


I wasn't able to sleep.

It's 2am in the morning and I can't seem to find any trace of sleep. I can't sleep when I have someone to look after for the rest of my life.

I sighed and walked to her room window opening it to allow fresh air come in. I looked at the Stars shining brightly. Some brighter then others.

This just made me realize how different everyone is. I looked back to the bed to see Avery's sleeping face. She's so beautiful.

I wish we could be somewhat perfect. Just like the Stars.

Quiet sobs and whimpering broke me out of my reverie. I frowned before realisation hit me that it could be Avery having a nightmare.

I rushed to the bed only to find her shaking and saying things under her breath. I picked up her shaky body and laid her on my lap since she still hasn't woken up yet.
"Don't please, I'm sorry please" was all she whispered with tears rolling down continuously on her face.
My heart squeezed at the sight in front of me.

"It's just a dream baby. It's just a dream" I reassured her shaking form that was now half asleep.

"No!" Avery screeched waking up making me feel so useless that I couldn't do anything to help her.

"Come on baby, it's just a dream, just a dream" I reassured bringing her face to my chest. Trying to calm her down.
But she wasn't having any of it. She kept struggling and trashing around to break free as I held her tightly to my chest.
When her weak gaze met mine, her eyes widened and  immediately she started trembling and panting for air in my arms.
She was trying to get away from my hold but I won't let her.
"Breathe baby, breathe" I encouraged her taking deep breaths as for her to copy my actions.

She still didn't calm down which was making me worried.
"Avery, Breathe!" I tried coaxing which was a wrong move as she stilled in my arms before she started pleading.
"Don't hurt me please, I didn't do anything wrong" she whispered brokenly.

I watched as she watched me feeling helpless.
"I won't hurt you, I give you my word. Believe me" I reassured sincerely my tone laced with gentleness and i could see was taken aback by my actions.

I could see it in her eyes that she didn't believe me. It hurts.

"I don't believe you. I don't trust you" she whispered brokenly to me.
"I'm scared...of you"

"I know. I k-know and I'm sorry. But there's nothing to be afraid of. You shouldn't be afraid of me love. I totally understand, I made you this way" I confessed truthfully.
"But believe me I'm not going to hurt you. You believe me right?" I asked fearing her answer.

She didn't say anything. She just looked away.

"You believe me right?" I asked bringing her closer to me but I got my answer to my question when she cowered away from me and immediately she stilled in my arms.


I waited for him to break his resolve and yell at me, if possible fling me away but he proved me wrong when he brought me close to his chest and he buried his face in my hair holding me tighter.

I could see the shame and frustration in his eyes because I couldn't find it in me to believe him.
But he did all he could do to keep his anger at bay.

"I I know I've done things. Things that are not justifiable to you and I'll spend the rest of my day's apologizing to you but please, believe me when I tell you I would never hurt you baby. Never." Damon promised solemnly with trace of tears in his eyes.

"Baby" he whispered turning my face to meet his gaze.
"Tell me how to make it better" he asked desperately. "What can I do to make it go away" he asked running his  fingers through my hair and I shivered in both fear and an I couldn't put a name to.

I sighed in distress not knowing what he was trying to do this time around.
"Let me go" I pleaded.

"Never" he grunted laying us down gently on my bed. He held my tired head so close to his chest Iike I was fragile and breakable.

"Sleep sweetheart. I'm here" he murmured in my hair.

I looked through the open window to the sky. The sky was blue and beautiful. I was still staring out when I saw a shooting star pass through the horizon.

I struggled to keep my heavy eyelids open but his fingers running through my hair said otherwise.
"Sleep princess" he murmured.

I knew it was dangerous to receive this kind of comfort from him but I couldn't help it.
I so wanted to harshly tell him I didn't want anything or any help from him, I wanted to yell and hit him for all he did but I couldn't find the energy to do so. 

Damon who seemed to notice I needed comfort waited patiently for me to succumb to him in my own time, not minding me pushing him away.

Let's dive into this new journey of Damon and Avery.

I think it's time they both got closure...  don't you think so?

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