Chapter 27

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Not edited!

Apologies for the late update :(

Third person's POV

Spending some time with his wife seemed like a good idea to Richard and so he did. 
He was sitting in the garden cuddling with his wife then his cell phone rang. It was his friend Gabriel who has been his child hood close friend and he happened to be their family doctor.
He smiled and answered "Yes Gabriel"
"Cut out the fake seriousness friend. I have something to tell you" Gabriel said from the other side.
Richard sensing the seriousness from his playful friend sobered up. "What's wrong?"
"Uh I think Avery, your daughter in law was involved in an accident. I can still remember her face so I just called to tell you"
"Avery, are you sure, my daughter in law Avery?"
"Yeah, I can still recognize her. I gotta go now there's an emergency come right away" Gabriel said from the other side before ending the call.
"Avery got involved in an accident" Richard told his wife who gasped in shock and fear.
"Thankfully, she was rushed to Gabriel's hospital. Let's go now" he helped his wife stand as they both rushed into the house.


Sir you have a call from your father, shall I put it through" the voice of Damon's assistant announced
"My father" Damon asked baffled
"Yes sir, he said its an emergency"
"Pull it through" Damon said in his usual business tone.
Soon enough, his cellphone rang "Dad is everything alright?"
"Son hey, I need you to come to Gabriel's hospital, you know where it is right? Just come as soon as possible"
With the tone of his father, Damon knew all was not well. His childish father doesn't get serious except on serious matters. He feared something happened and he isn't ready to lose anyone. Not when he's trying to put everything together.
"What's wrong dad, tell me please" he said worriedly
Okay. So um Avery got involved in an accident and..."
All other words fell on dumb ears the minute he heard the name that meant more than money to him.
Damon sat up impatiently .
"Come again" he asked already panicking'
"Avery got involved in an a.." That's all the confirmation he needed
"I'm on my way, please make sure she's taken care of, make sure she's alright. I'm on my way" he rushed gathering his things and bolting out of his office not caring if he has meetings lined up for him. 'Work can wait. Avery comes first' he thought while running to the elevator.

Just as the elevator door was about to shut a hand came in between, he felt like punching whoever owns it.
"What!" He snarled at his assistant who flinched and cowered at the tone and anger of his boss. He has to endure all these if he wanted to get paid.
"S-sir your meetings-" he stuttered
"Schedule them for another day" and without another word the elevator door closed separating the two and leaving Damon a helpless mess.


"Where's she!" Damon asked breathlessly fear evident in his face as he met his parents at the hospital.

"Son, you're here"

"Where is she dad! Is she okay talk to me" he asked again this time tears welling up in his eyes.

"She's still in surgery" Richard answered solemnly. "The Doctor said we should wait here " his mother added with tears in her eyes knowing the situation at hand.

"Surgery" Damon whispered in fear. He ran to a nurse who seemed like she just came out of the theatre with tray in her hands.

"Where's my wife, is she okay" he asked panicking

"She's stable now sir, she's out if danger we'll just wait and observe her for sometime" the nurse answered and walked away.
To be honest, Richard felt bad for what happened to the only girl he considered a daughter. He has just one daughter but God gave him another that came in form of a daughter in law but unfortunately, she isn't anymore.
He saw how she affected everyone's life positively with just her smile and good heart but... As bad as it sounds,his stupid son took all those qualities away from her making her a shell of her old self.

And now seeing his son in this condition... It show's his son is willing to amend all his errors.
He looked at his son to see his face buried in his hands and obviously crying as his shoulders shook.

His son really loves her.


After all documents have been signed, Richard, with the help of Gabriel secretly moved Avery to his mansion where he can take proper care of her.
He owed her that for taking care of him when he was seriously sick years ago so the least he could do was keep her under his watchful eyes. And also, he knows his son would not leave her side until she gets well. If she remained in the hospital, Damon would refuse to leave her side. So he might as well kill two birds with one stone. To make both of his children comfortable.


When Damon could not find Avery, he almost went mad. Destroying and threatening every doctor and nurse in the hospital. Since Gabriel the head doctor who performed the surgery on Avery was not in the hospital either, worst scenarios ran through his head. He was scared of her being in danger, angry at the doctors and nurse's incompetence, mad at himself and the hospital for not keeping an eye on her.

It was not until it dawned on him that his parents were also missing did it occur to call his father.


Richard on the other hand froze when he saw his Son's number call. He'd totally forgot to inform him of their decision to move Avery. He was totally sure his son already wrecked havoc in the hospital.
Picking his cellphone, he answered but shifted the phone away from his ear when all that came out was yelling from the other side.
"Dad where the hell are you guys! Are you okay? Where's mom? I can't find Avery dad! I'll sue this hospital, I don't care if your friend owns…."

"Calm down young man, I forgot to tell u of our plans..."

"What plans!" Damon yelled

"Come to my mansion if you care to see Avery. Don't yell at me" Richard said amusedly ending the call. He knew his son is already on his way.

He shook his head smiling. 'What men could do for love. Including me' he reminded himself.

As soon as Damon heard "come to my mansion if you care to see Avery" he entered his car and asked his driver to sit at the passenger seat while he drove.
Even the driver was frightened at the manner in which his boss was driving. He prayed for his poor innocent soul. He reminded himself never to let his boss drive, or drive him ever again... That's if he make it out alive, he thought.

As soon as Damon got to the mansion, he jumped out and rushed into the mansion.
"Dad! Mom!" He yelled

"Shhh we don't want you giving her a heart attack in her sleep" his mom scolded

" where's she Mom" he asked

"Come with me" His mom said leading him to the room where Avery was kept.

It was not until Damon saw Avery with his own eyes and touched her that he calmed down a little.
He loves her so much and he hoped she'd give him a chance to prove his love to her because if it'd mean he'll spend the rest of his days apologizing he will surely do it.

All that matters is her.

Sorry for the late update. I owe y'all a lot.
My cellphone got bad, so I had to look for means to update for you guy's which is sneaking away with my brother's TAB.

So I don't have a phone😢 and we're locked down for Christ sakes. It gets boring here a lot.

Hope you liked the chapter?
Expect the next chapter in a few...
Stay safe!!!


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