chapter 40

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This chapter is an apology for being an annoying writer.
I hope y'all are not mad at me tho.
Oh there's a little bit of drama here... Brind2y2 here's the update I made for ya...

Guys, feel free to point out any errors.


After spending the whole week together with Carlos, Avery sure felt refreshed.

She called her boss earlier to inform that she wouldn't be at work. Why? She needed to rest, sure she didn't say that but she was troubled and that tiny voice that'd always nag seemed to become loud now.

She stated at the last chocolate nuts in her lap with googly eyes. That was the last chocolate but that was remaining from the varieties of things Damon bought and kept in her bedroom. This chocolate has been her close companion and now its almost exhausted.

She sure felt different with all the recent things happening in her life but she couldn't shake that feeling of loneliness and emptiness away.

She stared at nothing trying her best not to remember bad memories that would trigger her nightmares.

She hasn't had any quite time like this for a long time now. She hasn't had any time to think of herself and all that has been happening. And so she decided to think. Think of how her life has turned 360 degrees these past months.

She remembered just how much she loved Damon, how happy they'd been, how it was too good to be true and she wished for their happiness to last. But all came crashing down. She didn't know till this day what went wrong.

She was grateful she had someone like Carlos who suddenly became that ray of sunshine in her dark world.
Her own parents didn't even want her.

Coming to think of it, her parents. She never remembered the last time she heard from them. Hell, she couldn't remember the last time she saw them. The last time she saw them was years ago.

The ringing tone of her phone broke Avery out of her reverie and she was shocked when she saw Mason's name flash on her screen.

"To what do I owe this privilege of hearing your voice after years sire" Avery mocked in fake British accent.

"You wound me princess. I would have called but I was busy and now I just need to spend time with the only honey in my tea" Mason's over enthusiastic voice rang from the other side.

Avery couldn't help but scrunch her brows in suspicion.

"What do you want Mason" she asked dryly.

"Come on babe. I don't want anything, why do you assume the worst about me. In fact, I called to ask when you'd be free" he replied.

"I'm free"

"No work today" mason teased


"Perfect. I need you to get dressed. I'm coming to pick you up right away, We have a lot of catching up to do"

"Alright. Wait right now!"

"I'm coming" Mason chirped in a sing sing voice.

Her address Avery thought. "Wait, do you know where I live?" She asked

"Oh yes lady"

"What, how" she asked warily

"Now that's a story for another day, now get dressed chop chop" he chirped before he ended the call.

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