Chapter 32

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"Please stop calling I'm fine" Avery snapped at Damon on the other end.

"I- I'm sorry. I can't st... How are the wounds? Are they healing? Are you running out of bandages" Damon couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"I told you before, they are gone. I'm fine now and there are no injuries"

"Oh. Okay um I-"

"Please don't pull that stunt you pulled yesterday again. I won't tolerate it" Avery warned.

"Okay I'm sorry" Damon apologized and immediately Avery ended the call as she had a lot of files piled in her office table.

For the last two weeks, Damon had been coming to her apartment. He never failed to come in the mornings @6 0' clock bringing breakfast and he also comes in the evenings with dinner.
She was already tired of his "concern". She had told him a lot of times that she was okay but the man paid deaf ears .

Yesterday, she left as early as 5:30 am to the office and 30 minutes later, her cellphone rang and rang until she got tired of the noise and switched off her phone. Damon didn't stop at that. But he knew better than to come to her office. She'd get more mad at him and he didn't want that.

I'm the evening as early as 5, she left work for her apartment and few minutes later, there were hurried knocks on the door when she peeped through the door hole it was Damon. She'd told him to go home but he refused. He kept knocking and yelling.

It was so embarrassing.

That moment, she was thankful she rented a private apartment. The next house was a few blocks away. She would have faced curious gazes from her neighbours.


She did all she could to avoid him and the confidence the at the lost while she was at the mansion was restored, this time in double so she wasn't afraid of him or what he'd do.

He just never stops does he? Avery thought.


Everyday for the past few weeks, Damon had been coming steadily to her house in the evenings after work to her apartment and then knock and knock. She wouldn't answer him or open the door either.
He even went to the extent of bringing flowers everyday to her apartment and her office. The flowers sent to her apartment always came with a note which contains an I'm sorry please forgive me and other apologies and also places to meet. His new driver delivers these flowers everyday and even though she rejects them, he comes again with another flower the next day as if he wasn't rejected at all.

She wondered if he ever showed up in these locations.
As if in cue, a knock on the door brought Avery out of her thoughts. She groaned as she lazily stood up to check who it was. ' probably another round of knocks for three hours' she mumbled.
Contrary to her expectation, of was a man. He looked to be in his early thirties. Curious to why a stranger was at her door, she cracked the door open a little.

"Uh hello ma'am" the man greeted.

"Hi, can I help you?" Avery asked.

"Yes ma'am. My name is Daniel and I'm Mr Kings chauffeur. I was asked to deliver these to you" he stretched out his hand and only then did she notice the flowers and chocolates. She looked around for the sight of a car maybe and a,glimpse of a certain someone  but she didn't find anything.

sighed and shook her head. She sure knew who sent him without asking. "I don't want them. Sorry"

"Uh excuse me?" Daniel frowned

"I said I don't want them. You should know better then to bring flowers to someone who doesn't want them. I'm sure you have a girlfriend or a wife Mr Daniel, why don't you give it to her” Avery snapped .
"Also tell HIM that. Said he should stop sending flowers" and with that, she got into the safety of her apartment and banged her door. She was really tempted to ask if he really showed up at these locations he wrote.

Daniel stood perplexed. As he saw the woman his boss was scared to meet... He understood all that was happening. She is Fierce, independent, strong and feisty. Anytime he drives his boss to this place, he always has this look in his face.
He did what his boss ordered if she refused the flowers.
"Drop it at her doorstep, knock and then leave"

Damon on the other hand saw all that happened and he sighed in distress. He didn't know what to do anymore. He had done everything and anything in his power and yet... She despises him!
He always shows up at the locations he wrote on the card hoping she would come around but the day always ended on a sad note for him. The locations were her favourite places like the park, the ice skating rink and the clearing and others. All in an open area and he always ended up catching a cold every night because he stays till midnight hoping she'd show up.

All he just needed was her. His life, and everything would be perfect. He never realized what he had until it slipped from his fingers in his very own eyes.

He sighed as his driver returned to the car and drove. This is it. His routine everyday. He comes to her apartment directly from work to get a glimpse of her for the day. That was good enough for him even though she doesn't want to see or talk to him. Her sight alone is enough to make him sigh in relief.

He closed his eyes as he silently prayed in his heart.  Praying for a change of heart for the love of his life.

Praying she would come around.


Y'all need Damon to suffer still????😁😁

Me: well maybe a lil more. What about ya??

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