Chapter 13.

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Avery's pov

I froze

He's here I mean right here.

Standing right in front of me. Staring intently at me like I would disappear any moment.

Is he here to drag me back?

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes but I held them back.


Thank God I'm still holding the banister, this way I can easily run back to my room.

As I took one step backward, he came one step forward still staring intently at me.


I took two more steps backward as I turned to rush back up...

"H-hey ba-uh Avery" this monster standing right in front of me said. He's scratching his subtle which he normally does when he's nervous?...

His subtle was not always on him. It always grew when he's bothered or stressed.

I nodded my head in answer to his greetings. By now I'm two steps away from him so I'm uh okay now because I can run away when he decides to slap me or dr...

"Ahem are you listening to me you seem so...

"What are you doing here? " I asked with my head down so I won't get to see his face when he's angry and ready to snap at me.

I'm still so scared of him. The few months I've been in this mansion, his mom always did everything to please me. She even always tries to come to my room to give me breakfast in bed.

Funny right? Yeah I know.

Dad is the other case. He's being himself. Always funny and playing around. He never forces me to do anything I don't want to do.

And today, dad just told me to come down to eat as usual, but... He didn't tell me his son was coming. And the way this monst... I mean Damon is staring intently at me, I think he's here for something because he looks nervous, the look I haven't seen on him in a long while now.

I came out of my little bubble when he took a step forward. I moved backward but not completely because I missed my step and was about to fall on the stairs. My eyes widen waiting to feel the impact of this nasty fall on the stairs.

The first thing that came to my mind was maybe I'll die this way atleast... Its what I've always wanted. To die and be free from my problems and nightmare's.


I'm still thinking. I'm still alive. I opened my eyes and almost regretted it.

Familiar orbs that always tend to look deep into my soul was staring intently at me.

What I didn't know is that he's been staring at me for over thirty minutes.

Wait... He's carrying me
What if he flings my tiny self away?

Immediately I realized what I was doing I squeaked and jumped out of his arms moving to the other side of the staircase which was towards the dining room.

He still just stared intently at me.

I dropped my head waiting for the next thing to happen.

2 minutes

5 minutes

7 minutes



"Uhm I uh wanted to... I mean I bought these flowers for you. I- I know lilies are your favorite " he said breaking the silence and stepping forward.

I don't know what came over me but... I stepped backward looking frightened. What's he gonna do to me now. Tears were already forming in my eyes and were threatening to fall.

"I just wanted to give you these flowers because I kn...." He stopped talking and I wondered why.

"You are crying " he whispered

The second he raised his hands I flinched and used my hands to shield my face. Traitor tears were already rolling down my cheeks.

I heard him sigh

"I just...

"What's going on here" dad's voice interrupted loudly.

"What did you do to her? Why is she crying" his mom asked panicked

"Oh I- I didn't do anything, I just... I wanted to give her the flowers"

"Oh" his mom whispered

The four of us stood there awkwardly. No one was talking.

"Ahem. Um let's eat" dad said trying to sound excited to lift up the sour mood.

We got to the dining table and dad chuckled saying "I can never get tired of your cooking. My stomach is addicted to it already " which made everyone smile.

I waited for them to take their seats before I sit and also I needed to sit far away from this man. This visitor.

You know ever since I've been living here, I always sat far from dad and uh mom. I don't know why but I can't get myself to sit close to them. It hurts them, especially dad. But it hurt me to see them hurting because of me.


"Avery! "

The calling of my name brought me back from my little bubble.

As I looked up, I immediately moved back because Mons... Damon was standing right in front of me.

"Uh sorry... I I "

"Its okay just sit so you can eat" He said softly.

He sat back down and pushed back the chair beside him. Maybe for me to sit but I dropped my head and just passed him to sit at the other end of the dining table where I normally and regularly sit.

I didn't want to look up cause I know they'll be staring at me. As usual

"Okay eat up everyone " dad's voice sang.


I don't know how long we've been eating but I always feel eyes on me.

His eye's.

They started discussing about a business ball coming up on Saturday night which was three days from today but I didn't really pay attention. I was concerned about leaving here.

The talk didn't end so I stood up to leave. And that was when they stopped talking. They all turned to look at me.

"Um I I I'll be going inside now. T-thank you for the food ma'am " I said softly with my head still down the way it was since I came to the dining room.

No reply

I simply started walking fast to hide away from his gaze.

"Y-you'll be going with me to the ball on Saturday" he said

"And your coming back home with me tonight " he added and I gaped at him in horror.

Here's another chapter everyone.

I hope you like it ...

Thank you for the thousand reads.


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