𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 49

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another day at another appointment, never in a million years did I think this is how I would livr my life, I came to New York to be happy but the more happiness I get the more things start to change. "Hey India" The Doctor smiles walking into the room, "Hey doc, any changes?" I asked "Well we found a treatment for you to take, it's called chemo" He says. "Well how long until I die? Because I just know the pills are gonna stop working one day so just tell me".

"India you aren't gonna die, you can fight cancer and that little rider you got in your stomach is gonna be a miracle baby just for going through this with you" The Doctor said patting my back. "I'm trying to be strong but it's hard to be happy again" I sighed, "just because you have cancer doesn't mean you gotta be sad live your life like you never did before I promise you it'll be worth it" He says. I nodded in response and he continued to talk "so hows the boyfriend doing?", "he thinks I'm cheating on him".

"Just tell him the truth he'll understand,and if you don't tell him you'd just gonna have to live with that". "Okay well you got any good news for me?" I ask. "if you take the pills everyday, when you wake up, and before bed you should be probably be free of cancer just put your mind to it and everything should be okay" He said handing me the pills as I smiled.

Michelle picked me up and took me to her house, she's been taking real good care of me. I know that's Trays job but as I said last time I don't want him to worry, "India Tray called me today and said he wants to talk to you" Michelle said dropping her purse on the couch. "You know I can't, but you can talk to him for me, don't tell him what's going on but tell him I love him and everything's just complicated right now and that I would never hurt him that's all he needs to know now, until further notice" I said. "Alright I'll do it just because I love you India, but some day whenever you're ready you need to tell him before he keeps jumping to conclusions and does some shit with a girl that'll ruin you guys relationship more" she warned me, "I know Michelle... I know" I said.

Later that day...
🌤T r a y 🌤
someone knocked on the front door making me jump up from the couch, I assumed it was India but when I opened it I seen her sister Michelle. "Why are you here? Where's India?" I asked, "okay don't be rude India told me come talk to you and she's at my house sleeping so let me in!" She shouted as her ghetto accent boomed in my ear, I sucked my teeth before letting her and closing the door after.

We both sat on the couch and proceeded to start a conversation. "So you know about her cheating huh?" I asked. "Tray she isn't cheating she's been with me this whole time" She explained, "I know India's your sister but you don't gotta cover up and lie for her I seen her and some nigga talking with my own two eyes!" I said growing angry forgetting my two kids were upstairs sleeping. "Look lower your voice, I don't gotta lie for nobody because I really know what's going on, you don't know shit! You think she's cheating because you're insecure,India would never do nothing like that to you" Michelle yelled. "Okay If She isn't cheating why has she been hanging out with this dude instead of being here with me?".

"Life changing experiences Tray, but it's her choice to tell you what's actually going on but I know what she's going through, India will tell you when the time is right but in my opinion the time is right now because things aren't going good for you guys and she would be stupid for losing you" She said. I just stayed silent as she stared at me and I stared back, then we started to lean. We kissed each other, but I quickly pushed her away after three seconds. "I think I should go" Michelle said not making contact, "yeah" I mumbled as she quickly got up. She left after that and I instantly felt bad.

I waited for Tray to text me back as Michelle walked in the house not making eye contact. "Hey sis what happened?" I asked putting my phone done. "Oh nothing he still thinks you're cheating I tried helping" she said quickly before going into her room. Well that's weird, I said to myself.

A month later
I slowly started to feel like myself again, I was happy but every time I thought of Tray here comes depression to beat me in the back, but on the bright side my doctor said he had something to tell me and I was anxious to know what it was.

Doctor Michaels
Hi miss Marie, as you know it's me Doctor Michaels I just wanted to inform you that you only need one more week of treatment and then you're cancer free, I told you to have the right mindset and everything would be alright. God works in mysterious ways...

thank you so much doctor Michaels you really helped me, I will keep you in my prayers for the heart you have.

Doctor Michaels
I'll always be there 😁.

I smiled, I was finally gonna be able to escape this disease that's in my body. I finally gained the courage to tell Tray what was going on. I called up a Uber to bring me to my house?
, when I got there I rushed in the house with the speed of light and closed the door. "Tray!" I shouted. No answer.. so I decided to go upstairs into our room only to seem him loading up a suit case with his clothes. "Hey baby where you going?" I asked, "I'm not your baby, and I'm leaving" Tray said with all attitude. "Why?" I said getting sad. "You cheated on me I seen you with my own two fucking eyes!".

"Tray it wasn't like that, I promise you please stay" I said grabbing him. "Move! I'm clearly not enough for you" He said zipping up the suit case. "Tray I never said that". "You didn't have to say it, hope everything goes well with you guys" He said. "I never cheated!" I yelled but he ignored. "Please Tray, don't leave me and the kids" I said breaking down in tears.

"Tray just let me explain" I say crying harder.

"Don't cry you'll only make me feel worse" He said pushing past me.


𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ( 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 2  of 𝐕𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐍)Where stories live. Discover now