𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 65

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"Uhhhh-" India said. "Mommy I wanna know hurry up" Alissa said jumping up and down. "Alright, sooo basically sex is um when mommy and daddy love each other they do a special hug um they use tools and daddy puts his screwdriver inside of mommy's wall and they come together" India explained in the most PG way possible. "Can I have sex?" Alissa said with a smile, "No baby you can't okay it's for grown ups" India told her in awkwardness. Alissa poked out her bottom lips before crying loudly, "I- Alissa cut it out" She said to her while Tray walked through the door. "Aye my two favorite girls- wait what's wrong with my princess" He said, "Shes being dramatic" India said rolling her eyes.

"What's wrong princess?" Tray said picking Alissa up, "Mommy said I couldn't have sex" She said still crying. "Um- Come on stop crying daddy gotta tell you something" Tray said giving India the side eye before going upstairs with Alissa in his arms, They went inside her room and Tray sat Alissa on her princess themed bed. "Alright Alissa, what do you know about sex?" He asked her, "Well I heard you and mommy talking about it one day and earlier today I heard stuff" She explained wiping her tears.

"Well babygirl um- we weren't having sex we were playing" Tray said. "Really!" Alissa said as her face lit up, "Yes now I don't wanna hear you say that word no more" He told her in a stern tone. "Okay Daddy" She replied, Tray kissed her on the cheek before leaving out Alissa's room going back
downstairs. "So what happened" India said as he sat next to her, She heard us having sex" Tray said. "You lying-"India said with a sly grin. "No and that's why I told yo ass to be quite" He said to her annoyed. "It's not my fault I was 'Loud' you were the one tryna go so fast and deep I mean it felt good can you blame me?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Man whatever just be careful next time do you know how hard it was to explain that shit to her?" He said to her. "Yes I do Tray calm down" India told him, "My bad for snapping like that I don't what's wrong with me" He said. "Um it's fine I guess" She answered confused.

As the day went by Michelle found out some bad news and called India, "Hello" India said as she answered the phone. "Hey it's me Michelle" she told her over the phone."Oh hey what's going on" India said clearing her throat."S-something happened to dad" She told her struggling to get her word out."Wait- what- what happened Michelle" India stuttered sitting up in bed. "Someone killed Dad" Michelle said making India's heart drop.

"How! What the hell happened" She yelled waking Tray up, "He was shot multiple times by someone" Michelle explained. India stared at the blank television screen the whole time she didn't know what to say. "Well imma meet up with you tomorrow India there's more to the story but I can't really explain it right now", "Al-Alright I'll seen you soon" She answered stuttering once more. They said their goodbyes before one of them hung up.

Michelle stared at her father's dead body and laughed as she picked up the gun she used to kill him with from the ground. "What did you do!" Derek said coming in the room, "Get back in the car Derek or you're next" she told him with a smile, Derek was getting tired of riding along with Michelle and her crazy games but he knew if he broke things off with her Michelle would kill him, "Now India's next just wait dad" She laughed kicking her father's body.

Weeks later
Indias dad funeral was held a few days ago, everyone cried and was saddened about his death but Michelle wasn't and everyone took note of that. But India being dumb and naive she didn't.

Sadly India officially had no one now, she did have the man of her life and her kids but she didn't have any parents at all. The only other family she had to lean on besides Tray and the kids was Michelle, "Tray I just can't believe it he already had cancer and someone just took his life like that" India said crying while Tray was there to support. "It's okay he's in a better place now and I'm sure he loved you deeply" Tray told her rubbing her back, "I never really had a dad I mean I had my step dad but this was someone I needed and someone just took him from me like that" She said.

Tray listen to India vent and cry to him, but something just wasn't right and it didn't sit well with him. "India" he said calling her name. "Yes?" She answered wiping away her tears, "I know this might but come out bad and it's not the right to say it but I don't trust Michelle" Tray told her. "What that's just insane" India said laughing.

"Babe I'm serous she's not someone to trust and everything about her is weird she does shit on purpose and she's manipulative"

"Tray you're just paranoid Michelle would never do anything to hurt us at all she just got her on problems" she told him defending Michelle.

"If you say so" Tray said.


luv nae-💕🥏

How do you guys feel about Michelle?

Should India stop being naive and open her eyes?

Who will be Michelle's next victim?

Sorry for any errors y'all know I'm slow 🏃🏾‍♀️

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