𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 60

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After 17 hours of labor the twins were here, I named them Kamryn and Kyrie. Paying attention to both of their features and I think I know who the father.

Y'all will find out who just keep reading.

"Thank you Tray for being here and helping me bring India to the hospital" Derek said holding Kyrie. "No problem" Tray said winking at me in a sneaky, "I can take you guys back home if you like". "That'll be so nice Tray" I said. "Nah we good" Derek told him but it wasn't genuine. "Don't listen to him it's okay Tray you can take us home" I said staring at Derek.

~one month later
Me, Derek and the kids back home, and he acted extremely nice towards me which was weird. But it's better then getting punched and yelled at everyday.

"Derek I'm gonna take Josiah and Alissa to school, I'll leave Jenell with you and I'm taking the twins with me too." I said to Derek, "That's no problem"He said. "I'll be back later on today I'm going to Destinys house again" I told him. He nodded and gave me a smile before I left the house with the kids.

But the thing is I wasn't going to my Destiny house.

Two Hours Later After I Dropped The Kids Off.

Y'all not ready for this secret that's gonna be revealed 😁.

"Tray get off me" I giggled as he kissed on my neck, "Why should I?" Tray asked. "Because I have to go" I told him, he removed his lips from my neck and sighed looking me in the eyes. "When will you tell him the truth?".

"When the time is right and right now isn't the time".

"Well when will the time be right India?You need to be mine and mine only I don't like sharing"

I was gonna say something else but the twins started crying from the other room, "I'll go get them" Tray said rolling his eyes as he got from on top of me, Tray then left the room and got the twins. "Give me my baby's" I said as he had Kyrie on one hip and Kamryn on the other.

"You mean our baby" He smiled.

"Yeah our baby" I said giving him a smile back.

There you guys go Derek isn't the father Tray is.

I put my clothes back on, my whole he neutered the twins, "I'll see you later" I said grabbing the twins from his arms. "Alright make sure to text me" Tray said, "I will" I laughed.

"Come on I'll walk you outside" He told me as he put on his basketball shorts, he followed me downstairs and outside to my car. "You think he'll let me go?" I asked referring to Derek as Tray helped me put the twins in their car seat. "I don't know but he will soon" He said as I got in my car, "Well, go get you some rest I'm finna go home and do the same" I said. "Alright I love you" Tray said as I smiled, "I love you too" I told him before driving off.

Once I got back home Derek was sleep and so was Jenell, I put the twins in their room before waking Derek up. "You been sleep all day?", "Yeah did you have fun with Destiny?" He questioned. "Yeah I did" I chuckled thinking about I actually was doing.

"What's that's on your neck?" Derek asked as I laid next to him, "um idk I burned myself with the flat iron" I said. "Oh okay just asking" He said.

"Can you pick the kids up for me at 3:30 I'm taking a nap"

"Yeah I can do that"

I nodded before I dozed off into a sleep, I was extremely tired from what happened between me and Tray earlier.

But I couldn't really sleep I kept waking up every five seconds, thinking about how I was gonna tell Derek that the twins weren't his and how he was gonna react, everything was just so confusing.

~a day later
"Tray did you get the new bottles for the twins?" I asked as he stared at his phone, "Yeah I did" he said. Tray kept smiling and laughing at his phone.

What was so funny?

"Tray why aren't you paying attention to me?" I asked with a small laugh.

He didn't answer he just kept typing on his phone.

"Blade!" I yelled."What India damn?" Tray said in frustration, "why you so wrapped up in your phone?", "I'm busy that's all" He told me. "Busy texting some girl probably" I say rolling my eyes.

"Aye don't start that, I'm just talking to someone"

"What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding nothing"

"Whatever just let me know who she is so I can end this whole thing because you think I'm stupid"

"Why I gotta be talking to a female? Why can't I be chilling?" Tray said with a strong mean mug.

"Because I'm not dumb"

"You acting like it" he mumbled.

"Tray you got five seconds to tell me who she is or I'm walking out that door and never coming back"

"Alright calm down"

"It's some girl I met yesterday"

"Did y'all have sex?"

"I just met her why would I have sex with her?" He asked with a laugh.

"Why are you stepping out in our relationship?"

"What relationship? You aren't mine" Tray said laughing again.

"Oh okay so I'm not yours that's not what you said yesterday!"

"Okay" I chuckled. "Come on cut it out India!" He yelled. "You will never change I can't believe I fell for that family shit again", "I know you ain't talking about change" Tray scoffed.

"Wasn't you supposed to be making changes like dumping that nigga Derek"

"You know what now I ain't dumping shit because you ain't shit Tray!"

"Oh so that's how you feel?"

"I bet y'all fucking too"

"We sure are!" I said but that was a lie I haven't touched Derek since I found out I was pregnant.

"We had sex last night, the night before that and the night before that" I added.

There I go running my mouth and making things worse.

"India I was lying dawg!"

"I never met no female"

"See look" He said showing me his phone.

I was speechless and embarrassed.

"I was texting Key this whole time"

"So I overreacted?"

"Nah forget that I knew y'all was still having sex, so get your stuff so I can take you home"

"Tray I was lying too, I haven't touched him"

"Nah I'm not tryna hear that I'm done, you said that I was the only one who was touching you in a sexual way"

"Don't be like that"

"You really want me to go back home with him?"

He stood there for a minute before sitting back down, "Come on you don't gotta go back there, I'm sorry for acting like that I was just mad"

"It's alright but got should've knew I was lying"

"Yeah Yeah, But I got a plan"

"What plan?"

"A plan for Derek" he said.


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