𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 56

727 62 25

I'm backkkkkkkkk😊🌚💕

months flew by, me and Derek's relationship was doing good so far. The kids liked him but I didn't hear from Tray at all, I didn't expect him to take this whole situation like that. "India, I'm gonna take the kids out for a while are you gonna be okay without me here?" Derek asked me while I watched something on my lab top. "Yeah I'm alright have fun" I said giving him a small smile. And with that him and the kids left, leaving me to be in the house alone.

A couple minutes later my phone started to ring, the number was blocked but I still decided to answer.

"Hey who's this?" I answered.

"It's me" the person said.

"Tray whats up? Everything okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" He said.

"Why you calling me blocked?" I asked him laughing.

"don't worry about it, are you alone?"

"Yes I'm alone Blade"

"Don't call me that" Tray said with a stern voice, he hates when I call him that unless Blade is really presence.

"Okay I'm sorry but why are you calling me?"

"Look I have to warn you about Derek" Tray said talking in a low tone.

"What about him?"

"He isn't who you think he is"


"That's for me to know and for you to find out but just be careful"

"Whatever Tray get off my phone"

"Okay I'm gonna hang up but if anything happens let me know I'll be right there"

"Bye Tray" I said before hanging up in his face.

He was probably only saying that stuff to make me get back with him but that isn't gonna work this time, Tray should just let me go. I continued to watch Netflix on my lab top but I suddenly had the urge to throw up. I immediately ran to the toilet and threw up.

I flushed the toilet before going back to bed, so many thoughts ran through my head. Was I pregnant? Who's the dad? And was Tray lying about Derek not being who he painted out to be? I just hoped I wasn't pregnant, I already have a six month old and two toddlers.

At around two o'clock Derek and the kids came back, we relaxed and spent family time together but something was up I just couldn't get my finger on it.

"What are you thinking about?" Derek said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing I'm okay I told him as he nodded in response.

And for the rest of the day we just stayed to our selves, nothing but positive vibes but as I said before something was off.

The next day

I stared at the pregnancy test that I just took, it was positive. There's a possibility Tray could be the dad but I still don't know, if he is the father would me and Derek relationship go down hill? Of course it would. "What does it say?"Derek asked walking into the bathroom. "It's positive, I'm pregnant" I said. "That's great!" He said with a wide smile.

"Don't you think it's too early for kids?"

"Yeah but you're keeping my child! That's it, end of discussion"

"I never said I was gonna get rid of it"

"I know that, I'm just letting you know if you ever think about killing any of my children in the future things won't be so pretty" He told me before walking out the bathroom. Then out of nowhere I got a call from another blocked number.

"Hello" I sighed.

"Why you sound so dry" Tray said.

"I'm just tired"

"Well get you some energy because I wanna see the kids"

"Why can't you come over here and get them yourself?"

"Because I don't want to"

"Whatever I'm on my way" I said hanging up.

"Hey babe?"


"Can you get the kids ready for me? I'm gonna take them to see their dad" I said. "Yeah I got it" he said as he got up from the bed. Derek left the room and got the kids ready to see Tray while I did the same. Once the kids were dressed, we left the and made our way to Trays house.

Tray stood on his doorstep while I pulled into his driveway with a smirk on his face. I got Josiah and Alissa out car, while I held Jenell on my hip. "Look at my babies" He said in a weird voice. "How long you keeping them?" I asked as he opened his apartment door letting me in the house. "For a week" Tray said as I heard the door close, "cool but where are they sleeping at?". "I had three empty rooms so I made them into a comfortable place for them to sleep at I even made Jenell a nursery", "good that's all I'm worried about" I told him.

"Hand me Jenell and I'll take the kids upstairs to their room" Tray said holding his arms out, I gently placed Jenell in his hands before him, Josiah and Alissa went upstairs. Seconds later he came back downstairs and sat himself down on the couch. "Can we talk?" He asked, "Make it quick" I say tapping my foot. "I know about Derek and I don't care about him at the end of the day you're still my girl"He told me as I heard all the bass in his voice.

"That's all you had to say?" I asked with a chuckle, "India I don't think you really understand what I'm saying you are mine" Tray said standing up from his seat.

"Tray we aren't together anymore" I said backing up into the wall behind me. He walked up to me and wrapped his hand around my neck, it was a tight grip but not to the point where I couldn't breath. His eyes then turned gray with a hazel core making me freeze up a little.

I've never seen this side before.


"Shh be quite but just know you're mine, got it?" He asked me as I nodded in response.

He licked his lips before releasing my neck and kissing me in the cheek.

"You can go now" He laughed as I felt waterfalls rush down there.

I smiled before leaving his house and getting back in my car, what just happened?

But when I got back home all hell broke loose.


Y'all like Trays new personality Terrence? Thank you tinaemari12 for helping me 💗

Who's the dad of India's unborn child?


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