𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 77

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"Oh my god do you need help?!" A random girl came out her house seeing Josiah laid out on the street nearly dead. "Stay with me" The girl pressed on his chest and pulled out her phone, dialing 911. "I need an ambulance quick... some random guy is laid out on the street, he's loosing a lot of blood and he looks beaten up pretty badly" She explained to the dispatcher.

"Do you know the persons name?" The lady asked. "No I don't" She told her, "Alright... well an ambulance is on its way keep him breathing" and with that the girl hung up and waited for the ambulance to come.

Hours later...

Josiah laid in the hospital bed and tried holding in his tears, he knew Angela had something to do with this whole thing. It was time for her to get cut off, "Hey... how you holding up" The same girl from earlier said coming in the room. "I'm cool I guess... who are you?" Josiah asked, "Oh me? I'm Jessica I say you laid out in the middle of the street and I had to call for help" Jessica introduced herself.

"Thanks for that I'm Josiah by the way"

"That name sounds familiar, don't you date Angela?" Jessica asked curious. "Not no more.... I'm done with her" He told her, "I knew her for a long time.... she probably had something to do with this, Angela didn't deserve you" She told him. "I don't understood why I didn't drop her a long time ago" Josiah laughed at the many times he had been naive about Angela trying to hurt him when all the signs were right in front of his face.

"I seen you around school and stuff... I liked you for a while but Angela was your girl so I stepped back" Jessica admitted. "You're cute... but I don't wanna jump right into a relationship, maybe we can take it slow" Josiah told her, "That sounds nice" Jessica blushed before India and Tray came into the room. "I'm so happy you're alive!" India rushed over to Josiah putting kisses all over his face.

"Ma stop.. I'm not a baby no more" He whined, "Who the fuck did this to you?" Tray asked with much anger. "Angela... she had me jumped, I'm sure of it" Josiah told him, "I told you about that fast ass girl a long time ago" India said plucking him, "Ouch! And I don't need to hear all that right now mama" He sighed. "And who's this?" She asked referring to Jessica who stood in the corner quietly.

"I'm Jessica... I got Josiah to the ambulance" She said shyly. "Thank you so much for that, hopefully you'll be around more" Tray told her with a smile, "Have you heard anything about Alissa?" Tray asked India out of nowhere. "Nope the hospital can't find her at all" She sighed, "Wait What?" Josiah expressed. Before India could answer she got a text from Michelle...

I have Alissa... come to my location the next hour or she's dead

(Unknown number has shared locations with you)

"Babe we gotta go... Jessica take care of Josiah while we go" India said in a fast pace before dragging Tray out the hospital with her. "India what the fuck!" Tray said while they walked to the car, "I gotta tell you something" India stuttered while she got in the drivers seat. "Go ahead" Tray sighed knowing that it was. "Michelle isn't dead... and she has Alissa", "What!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry okay... we just gotta get our baby okay?" India told him while started the car. They drove off making the tires screech, Tray was more than mad first Josiah now Alissa when he saw Michelle he was gonna kill her and make sure nothing was left of her. India got to the destination within 45 minutes, "Don't do nothing too crazy" India told Tray while they got out the car.

"I promise I won't India" he smiled. India shook her head before opening the front door, it was unlocked for some weird reason. "Come to the back!" Michelle shouted, India and Tray did as told while seeing Alissa tied up with bruises all over her while Michelle had a gun pointed to her head. "What do you want?" India asked trying not to get close, "I want you dead" Michelle told her.

"Kill me then" India said already plotting a plan in her head. Michelle laughed before pointing the gun towards India, "I won't miss either, like your stupid husband did" She spat in the most disrespectful way possible. "Go ahead! Stop talking and get it over with" India kept testing her, meanwhile Alissa started experiencing some weird things.

No one noticed Alissa tensed body language and how her eye color went from hazel brown to blue.

Before Michelle could pull the trigger Alissa kicked her in the face, Tray grew in shock before rushing over to Michelle. He punched Michelle in the face repeatedly while India let Alissa loose, Tray wanted her gone for all the things she caused his family to go through. "Let's go!" India yelled making her way out the door with Alissa, Tray didn't listen he just kept beating her.

Whole time India and Alissa had already left, she didn't have time for his shenanigans after she told him to stop he should've listened.

Tray finally came back to his senses and tried left. But as soon as he came outside five cop cars were surrounding him, "Get on the ground!" They yelled.

Tray did as told while on the cops pulled him up from the ground and handcuffed him, "You're under arrest for two counts of murder" the officer said. And that's when it all hit him, he promised India he would change but didn't recently he went through India's phone and saw two dudes messaging her, he tracked both of the guys down and killed them.

Sorry for errors


𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 ( 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 2  of 𝐕𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐍)Where stories live. Discover now