02 | let's pretend

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( chapter two )

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( chapter two )

" You can't just pretend forever. "

- anonymous

IT HAS BEEN TWO DAYS since the small incident with Tom Holland happened.

Y/N could still imagine the look on Tom's face when it happened and it has been bothering her for the past two days. Well, not just that. Her heart was still aching after she found out that her own crush was in a relationship with her sister.

"Earth to Y/N. Are you staring at that nerd kid right there?" Erika suddenly spoke and waved her hand at Y/N's face. Y/N blinked her eyes and her thoughts were crushed when she heard Erika. "Don't tell me you're going after that nerd kid too, Y/N." Erika continued and Y/N then glared at her. After that, she sighed and placed her hand on her cheek.

Erika knew what was still bothering Y/N and she moved closer to Y/N. "You'll get over it soon, Y/N," Erika said and Y/N sighed again.

"I know. It's just weird seeing them together especially when I see them outside of my room. It's weird because she's my sister. And I love my sister. And-"

"And you want her to be happy." Erika interrupted and Y/N just nodded with her head down.

"There's a lot more guys out there, Y/N. Maybe he wasn't the one for you." Erika said. Y/N looked at her and gave a small smile.

"You really sound like a mom that I never have," Y/N said.

"Don't make me too old," Erika said and that was when the bell rang suddenly. Both girls groaned when they heard it and people start to prepare their things to go. Y/N and Erika grabbed their bags and plates.

They placed their plates and moved out of the cafeteria.

"I wish we could skip classes." Erika suddenly said.

"I know, but my grades are almost dying."

"Same goes for me."

The bell rang as a signal that classes were over. Y/N placed her bag over her shoulder and grabbed her books and walked out of the classroom quickly. She walked towards her locker, unlocked it, and opened it. She placed all the things she didn't need inside her locker before closing it with the lock on. As soon as she closed it, she jumped a little when a person walked past by her.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm sorry-"

Y/N was interrupted by the familiar sound of the voice and looked at the person in front of her.

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