12 | decisions

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( chapter twelve )

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( chapter twelve )

" Wherever you go, whatever you do, I'll always be here to support you. "

- anonymous

january 05, 2016

Y/N WAS WAITING FOR TOM TO PICK HER UP FROM HER HOUSE. Tom had suddenly texted her to wait for him as he was going to pick her up. Of course, she agreed to him and told him not to be late.

Another week has passed since their real relationship started. They've celebrated Christmas and New Year together in each other's houses during the week. And also with their closest friends which were Erika and Harrison.

They finally opened up about their relationship with each other which made Erika and Harrison open up about theirs's too. Although it was already obvious for Tom and Y/N, they still wanted to hear from them.

When Y/N was lost in her thoughts, Tom's car suddenly arrived which surprised her.

"Tom!" She called out.

Tom happily got out of his car and walked towards Y/N.

"Where the hell are we going? It's like nine in the morning." Y/N complained which made Tom laugh a bit.

"Good morning to you, love." Tom greeted and gave a peck on her cheek.

She rolled her eyes playfully at him before answering back. "Morning, Thomas." She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled.

Tom's arm snaked around her shoulders as they walked towards his car.

"Seriously, where are we going?" Y/N asked Tom as she placed on her seatbelt.

"My house. My mom wanted to bake with you all of a sudden. She also wanted to make lunch for us." Tom said which made her eyes widen.

"How come you didn't tell me it was that? I could've prepared." She said.

"It's okay. I think my mom just prepared already." Tom said and started the engine and drove off.

Y/N sighed in relief and sat comfortably on the seat. She grabbed Tom's free hand and wrapped her fingers to his. Tom plastered a smile on his face while driving going to his house.

It has been a week since he got the news and he still hasn't told Y/N about it. He only told his family and Harrison first during the morning. He just didn't know how to tell Y/N about this.

This is why he planned to tell her today. And hopefully, he would tell her.


Y/N heard that familiar voice that called her and it was Tom's mom.

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