09 | this is real

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( chapter nine )

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( chapter nine )

She wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way. "

- Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

"HOW DID YOU FIND ME?" Y/N asked Tom as they walked outside the clubhouse.

She heard Tom chuckle before replying and scratched the back of his neck. "I actually went to your room to check if you were there. But it was just Erika and she told me that you were looking for me."

All Y/N could do was nod in agreement. "I'm glad you did." She muttered quietly.

They both stopped walking when they saw an open ice skating rink. There was no one there except for a woman who us managing the ice rink. She was probably waiting for the closing time.

Tom suddenly stopped walking and looked back at Y/N.

"I—" He started but hesitated for a moment.

"I wanted to go ice skating with you." He said while looking at her.

That's when Y/N felt guilty on her chest.

"Then Erika told me you just wanted to stay in your room. Probably reading some books you've bought." He said and chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I actually did." She said and smiled a little until she felt guilty again.

"I'm sorry, Tom." She apologized. "I shouldn't have to eavesdrop your conversation with Camille. I mean, I didn't know you would be there in the first place but—" She stopped for a while, trying to get her thought settled. "I should've walked away before I could hear what you were talking."

Tom felt guilty too. He took a step closer to her before apologizing back. "I'm sorry too." He wrapped his arms around her. "I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. Just because you talked to Aiden. He snuggled his face of her neck.

"Just— don't ignore me like that anymore." He whispered and Y/N felt his breath on her neck that sent shivers down her spine. "Please."

She placed her hand on his curly and fluffy hair and started playing with it. "I won't, Tom," Y/N whispered back.

"There's still time to go ice skating before it closes." She suggested. Tom pulled away and look at her for a second.

"Have you experienced skating in your life?" He asked.

"Nope. This my first time." She said that made Tom chuckle.

They walked together hand-in-hand towards the lady who was in charge of the rink. She charged them for free since it was already almost closing for the day which made Y/N really happy.

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