10 | misunderstanding

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( chapter ten )

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( chapter ten )

It's dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand each other. "

- L.M. Montgomery, Emily's Quest

EVERYONE was starting to pack their things to get ready to go back to the campus.

"Man, I wish we could just have this all the time. I mean, it doesn't have to be just a ski trip, you know?" Erika said as she was putting some of her clothes into her bag.

"Why don't you be part of the student officers for our batch so that you could suggest those ideas in your head right now," Y/N said.

"Nope, not happening," Erika replied that made Y/N chuckle.

"You would make a good leader. No, actually. A great leader," Y/N said and chuckled.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Erika said and closed her bag.

Once they were done, they both went out of their room with the room key in Y/N's hand. Coincidentally, Tom and Harrison also went out of their room.

Tom saw Y/N first and had a smile on his face. "Good morning, love." He greeted which made Y/N look at him and blush. She looked at him with a smile before greeting him back. "Good morning, Tom."

Erika's eyes widen and looked at Tom and Y/N back and forth.

"Did you guy made up already?" Erika asked.

"Yup," Y/N said proudly and walked towards Tom. "Hi, Harrison." She greeted Harrison. "Why don't you go with Erika?"

Y/N saw Erika glaring at her with what she just said.

"I was about to, actually," Harrison replied and went to Erika. Her face softened when he went to her. She looked back at Y/N and glared at her one more time before focusing her attention on Harrison.

"Until now they haven't said anything about them but it's very obvious that they're together," Y/N said to Tom.

"Well, Harrison confirmed it to me," Tom said and that made Y/N shocked.

"What?! Since when?" She asked.

"He just told me last night when I talked about us," Tom said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

Y/N pouted and crossed her arms. "I'll have some girl talking to have with Erika." She said.

Once everyone was already complete, they started to go inside the bus. Tom and Y/N sat down beside each other this time.

After settling, he placed his head on Y/N's shoulder. "I've wanted to do this since yesterday on the bus." He said.

She smiled and placed her head on top of his. "Heavy?" She asked.

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