11 | confessions

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( chapter eleven )

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( chapter eleven )

It's the end of the Earth and the death of the universe that give me the insane courage to say that I am yours if you want me. "

- Krystal Sutherland, Our Chemical Hearts

december 20, 2015

SEVERAL DAYS PASSED BY and Y/N still didn't have the guts to talk to Tom. She still couldn't face him after what happened just a few days before.

When they were in the same class, Tom would steal glances at her since she was in the first few seats in front of him. It still bothers him so much and every time he would look at her, he felt pain in his chest.

Of course, Y/N would notice this. She wanted to go up to him and talk through it with him. She wanted to apologize to him but she couldn't.

I guess this Christmas would be so lonely. Y/N thought to herself.

As she walked to the hallway towards her locker, she saw Tom leaning on the lockers near hers. She stopped her tracks until Tom noticed that she was there. She felt her heart beating so fast she couldn't describe the feeling anymore.

She walked slowly towards her locker while Tom was just looking at her and placed some of her things inside.

"Is now the perfect time to talk?" Tom suddenly asked that made Y/N jumped a little.

She looked at him slowly until their eyes were locked to each other. She felt that she couldn't talk so she remained silent but nodded in agreement. She closed her locker and they both walked together outside the school building.

The walk was silent and Y/N just followed where Tom was walking to. They walked until they stopped in front of a black motorcycle. Tom got a helmet and sat on his motorcycle and Y/N just stood there confused. Tom looked at Y/N who was just standing there.

"Come on," Tom said and held his hand out for her. She smiled a little and took it and sat behind him. He gave her another helmet and she placed it around her head.

"Hold on to me, Y/N," Tom mumbled and started the engine. Y/N slowly wrapped her arms around Tom's waist then Tom drove out of the school.

Y/N didn't know where they were going but she hoped that they could talk things through with Tom, at least.

"Where are we?" Y/N asked when they took off their helmets on their heads and got off the motorcycle.

They were in a place where they could see the city lights. It was like they were on top of the world. They could see the sunset clearly in there.

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