07 | jealousy

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( chapter seven )

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( chapter seven )

Love is scary: it changes; it can go away. That's the part of the risk. I don't want to be scared anymore. "

- Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before

TOM LOOKED UP TO THE CEILING AND WAS THINKING ABOUT Y/N. He didn't know what came over him. Thinking about their date yesterday just made him thought about Y/N more.

After she met his family, especially his mother, they have been telling him how lucky he was to be with a girl like Y/N.

"Y/N's a great lady." Tom's mother suddenly said that made him startle.

"She is, isn't she?" Tom answered his mom.

"A keeper, I must say," Nikki added. "You are lucky, Thomas."

And that made him feel guilty. All of this was just pretend. But was it really just pretending for him?

After a few weeks of being Y/N's fake boyfriend, they have been growing closer each day which made them feel comfortable with each other. Opening up with each other was easier compared to before. Just being with her in general already makes him feel happy.

Is this all really just pretending? Or is it becoming a reality?

"Rule number five and the important one. No falling in love, Holland."

Tom remembered the contract that they signed before they started this whole thing.

"I can't like her." He said to himself. "It's in the damn contract, Holland." He sighed and sat up. He runs his fingers through his curls and punched a pillow.

Why won't this feeling go away?

"Damn it, Holland." He cursed. "You officially have feelings for Y/N."

"You met his family yesterday?" Erika asked Y/N as she munched on her snacks. Both of them were under the bleachers for no apparent reason. It was Erika's idea.

"Yep. Never thought he would have such a wonderful family, honestly." Y/N said. "And cute siblings too." She added.

"Oh my god, you have Tom, Y/N!" Erika scolded Y/N. "Can I have one of them though?"

"You already have Harrison, Erika." Y/N scolded back which made Erika glare at her.

"What makes you think I and Harrison are together?" Erika asked.

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