03 | the contract

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( chapter three )

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( chapter three )

" Love is a free contract that begins with a spark and can end the same way. "

- Isabel Allende

ANOTHER SCHOOL MORNING and Y/N suddenly jumped from her bed.

She didn't know why her heart was pounding so fast from her chest. She was planning to tell him when her classes are over.

He's the captain of the football team so she knew where he would be after classes.

After a long day of boring classes, the bell rang and she stood up and quickly went to her locker to place her things inside. After she closed her locker, she jumped at the sight of someone that she didn't see for the past few days.

"Aiden. You scared me." Y/N said with her hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry, it's cute when you get scared." He said and she glared at him. Her heart started beating fast like how she felt ever since she had feelings for him.

Here we go again.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

He scratched the back of his neck before talking. "I just wanted to ask if we can walk home together."

Her heart flutter but then she realized that she needed to see Tom since she will say yes to his deal.

He has a girlfriend, Y/N. Your freaking sister. Get over him.

"I-I'm sorry, Aiden. I have to meet someone after classes. I promised him." Y/N said and shut her mouth after she said 'him'.

"Him?" He asked with confusion in his voice. "Who is this guy-"

"I have to go now, Aiden! Talk to you soon!" Y/N quickly ran before he could even finish asking a question, leaving him dumbfounded. He just watched you run away from him with a confused mind.

Y/N turned to the door going outside where the football field is. You opened the door and the bright light hit her eyes and she squinted them.

As soon as she stepped outside, she went to look for Tom in the field for how many minutes. She went inside the field, fearing that the ball would hit her face and she would faint.

That would be so embarrassing.

She finally spotted Tom with a red helmet on his head. She stood there until he finally looked back and saw Y/N standing there. He smirked under his helmet and told his teammates to time out.

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