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Hakeems POV

As Angel and I walk into the building, I look at our daughter, Bree. And i can see she's a little tired.

Me: Hey baby why don't you go take princess to mom and dad for her nap

Angel looks at Bree as she rubs her eyes.

Angel: Ok baby

Angel and I kiss before she leaves. I head into stage area, seeing one of our new addition to the company Amayah doing ballet on stage. I feel someone nudge me, and I turn to see Antonio & Chicken.

Chicken: Who's the new girl?

Me: I guess a new talent my parents found

Antonio: Well she looks good as hell

I roll my eyes as I go up to Amaya.

Me: Hey Maya... I gotta ask you something

Amaya: *rolls eyes* Look if it's me dancing half naked in one of your videos Keem, you can forget about it

Me: No none of that... I was wondering would you be willing to be one of my dancers in my performance tomorrow night... As a matter of fact

I call over one of the male dancers, Tyler.

Me: This is Tyler, he's the ballet male dancer for the performance

Amaya watches Tyler as he dances and she looks back at me.

Me: You can dance with him in the performance and not half naked or anything

Amaya nods as she looks at me.

Amaya: I'll see you tomorrow night *smiles*

I walk off the stage to see Angel looking at me.

Angels POV

So I just came back from talking to my parents, to see Hakeem talking to Amaya. Hakeem comes up to me and kisses my cheek.

Me: Um what the hell was that?

Hakeem: Calm down Ang it's nothing

Hakeem kisses me softly reassuring me.

Hakeem: I just need her as one of my dancers for tomorrow night thats all baby *rubs my cheek*

I sigh and nod my head.

Me: Alright Hakeem... But if she touches you in any kind of way.. I'm kicking her ass and yours

Hakeem nods and smiles.

Hakeem: *smiles* ok

Hakeem kisses me and puts his arm around me as we walk away.


Me: I think your trying to impress Amaya too hard *looks at Hakeem*

Hakeem sighs crawling into our bed and kisses me.

Hakeem: I know and I'm sorry if I disrespected to you in any kind of way baby

I sit up and kiss Hakeem back. Hakeem smiles and kisses me and pulls me on top of him, making me laugh.

Me: Don't let that crap happen again *giggles*

Hakeem: I won't Angel c'mere

I lean down and kiss Hakeem passionately as he rubs my body.

Hakeem: I love you

Me: and I love you too

What will happen next?
How will Hakeems performance go?
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