Memory lane

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Angels POV

Today's my day off from empire, So I'm just going to clean around the condo. I hold Bree as I walk into my huge closet. I sit Bree on the floor as I pull out a box, and open it revealing a lot of old stuff and pictures.

Bree: What's this mommy?

Me: Some of mommy's memories

I pull out a small pink bear and show it to Bree.

Me: *smiles* remember this baby

Bree smiles taking the bear hugging it.

Me: The doctors gave it to me when I had you

Bree hugs and plays with the bear. I look through the box and find a pair of old headphones.


Me: Singing* so n*gga don't be callin callin me you should've been there

Hakeem: *raps*
I put the "D" in Decatur
Yeah, it's three in the morning but I still got three in the chamber
I bring her to life with that "D", call it a defibrillator
Ha, ni**s is funny, they all got jokes Cedric "D" Entertainer
But we can't see the haters, there's way too much cheese on the table
Aye, so, so, so what's the likelihood, you looking, mmm lip biting good
They say you never really know what you got 'til it's gone
You shoulda been there, now she's singing this song *end of song*

Me: you were good *smiling*

Hakeem: I catch on quickly *smiles*

Hakeem leans in kissing me softly, making me kiss back.

~end of flashback~

I blush smiling at the memory as Bree goes through another. That was the day I met my original family, The Lyons. I smile and put the headphones down. I look through the box more.

Bree: mommy what's this? *holds up a picture*

I look at the picture of Jamal, Andre, Hakeem and I together.

Me: Now that's when I had my first performance *smiles*


Hakeem: What's wrong Ang?

Me: What if I mess up the song Keem? I'm nervous

Hakeem leaves the room. A few minutes later, Hakeem comes back with Andre & Jamal

Me: What are they doing here?

Jamal: Hakeem told us that you were nervous

Andre: So as your brothers we're going to pray

The four of us hold hands and pray. Hakeem & I walk to the stage, and I stop.

Hakeem: What's wrong now Ang?

Me: I'm still scared

Hakeem holds my hand and looks at me.

Hakeem: Look just keep your eyes on me

I nod.
~End of Flashback~

And that whole performance I did keep my eyes on Hakeem. Later, I got stabbed by his ex Carmella on the side. I shake my head and look through the box.

Hakeems POV

I just got off of work. I walk into the condo removing my jacket.

Me: Ang.. Bree

Angel: *yells* In the bedroom baby

I walk to our bedroom and walk to the closet. Bree runs up to me. I pick up Bree kissing her cheek. I sit on the floor next to Angel.

Me: What you doin baby?

Angel: Just going through some old stuff baby

Angel and I kiss. I reach into the box and pull out a picture of Angel holding Bree as a baby in the hospital. I sigh.


Angel slaps me. I look at her hurt after she just caught me having sex with Empire's new artist Laura. I try to stop Angel as she starts packing.

Me: Ang baby please *grabs her*

Angel: Let me the f**k go Hakeem! *gets out of my grip*

Angel walks out the door putting her stuff in the car, getting in.

Me: Ang- *gco*

Angel: Save it Hakeem.. I mean what the hell were you thinking?!.. Oh yeah by the way I'm pregnant

I snatch the keys away from her.

Me: Your pregnant?! Baby when were you going to tell me?!

Angel: Today.. But I guess doesn't matter now

Me: Angel please.. I love you

Angel: I love you too... But we need time apart
~End of Flashback~

Me: I wasn't there... I wasn't there for you two when you needed me *looks down* I fvcked up

Angel holds my hand.

Angel: *smiles* You're here now baby... That's all that matters

Angel tilts my head up and kisses me making me feel better. I dig into the box and pull out a picture of us on our wedding day. Angel and I smile at each other.

Angel: Best day ever *smiles*

Me: Yeah it was *smiles* because I married this beautiful woman right here. 

Angel giggles kissing me on the cheek. I hold Angel in my arms, snuggling her neck.

Me: I love you baby

Angel: I love you too bae

Angel & I hug. My phone rings and i answer it.

Me: hello... Hey dad... Ok we'll be there

Angel: What did dad say?

Me: That to be at the family dinner tonight

What will happen next?
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