Tour Talk

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Angels POV

Today mom and dad called us all in early to talk. I guess its about a promotion or something. Hakeem & I walk in hand in hand.

Me: What you think they want to talk to us about?

Hakeem: I don't know baby it might be something important.. You'll never know

I nod

Me: Yeah your right baby

We make it to the meeting room, Where a lot more Empire artists were. Jamal comes up to us.

Jamal: Hey y'all *smiles*

Me: Hey mal

Hakeem: You know what this is about?

Jamal shakes his head as our parents walk into the board room.

Cookie: *Yells* Ok listen up everyone

Everyone gets quiet as our parents begin to talk.

Lucious: Ok we decided.. Since Empire is so big, Some of your artists are gonna go on tour

Everyone gets excited as they start talking.

Hakeems POV

Our parents just informed us about our first tour. I'm happy as Hell. I look over at Angel and she's smiling.

Cookie: About eight or ten of Empires top artists will be going on the tour

Lucious: including Angel, Hakeem& Jamal

Angel, Jamal, & I smile at each other.

Cookie: We'll let y'all know when the tour dates are *smiles*


Angel: *giggles* Keem *moans lowly* baby

I kiss Angel neck again and again as I lift her up onto the soundboard wrapping her legs around my waist. Look I've been craving for her all damn day.. Don't judge me!

Me: Yes baby?

Angel: You know we're at work right?

Me: *smiles* Yeah but you're also here

I kiss Angel making her giggle as she kisses me back.

Angel: *giggles* Now what if someone walks in?

Me: *smirks* No problem

I go lock the studio door & walk back over to my sister wife kissing her hard, as we strip each other of our clothes. I enter Angel hearing her sweet moans. I kiss her collarbone, making her bite her lip. I thrust into her as she claws at my back.

Angel: *moans* baby

Me: *whispers* shh just let me take care of you baby

I kiss Angel softly, loving her more and more. Angels moans my name louder than before. I kiss her to keep her quiet as she kisses me back more hungrily. Angel grinds her hips into mines. I bite my lip and kiss her back, before reaching our climax. I kiss Angel as I hold her.

Angel: mmm.. *smiles* I can't wait to go on tour with you baby

Me: Neither can I baby *kisses her*

I smile as my phone rings. Really mom?! I answer it.

Me: Hello.. What?!

Angel looks at me concerned as I continue talking to Cookie.

Me: Ok we'll be there in a while

I end the call and look at Angel.

Angel: What's wrong Hakeem?

Me: It's Andre. We gotta go to Lyon Manor

Angel: *looks at me* Is he hurt?!

I kiss the top of her head.

Me: We'll see when we get there baby.. But right now we have to go

Angel nods as we get dressed and leave Empire. As I drive, I look over at Angel and I can sense there's something wrong with her. But for now all I know is Andre needs us.

Is Andre ok?
What will happen next?
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