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Hakeems POV

As I prepared myself for my performance, I kept thinking about Angel. As I looked in the mirror, I feel hands wrap around my waist. I turn to see Angel.

Me: Hey baby *smiles*

I kiss Angel softly and hug her. I really didn't think she was going to come.

Me: *smiles* I'm glad you made it

Angel: Why wouldn't I *smiles* besides you know Bree loves seeing her daddy perform, I have to catch it on video

I cup Angels face and kiss her.

Me: Thank you baby

Angel: No problem boo

I lay my head on Angels before she walks off.

Angel: Have fun Keemy *smiles*

Me: I will Ang *smiles*

Angel leaves. As I take a deep breath, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Amaya.

Amaya: ready?

Me: Yeah

I walk out onto the stage as the music starts.

Rumble, young man, rumble
May your courage overcome the fear
Rumble, young man, rumble
You’re a lion, your time is here
Rumble, young man, rumble
You’re the lightning, the storm is near
You may slip and stumble
But Rumble, young man, rumble

Close, my, eyes, and hope for better days
Give me, the strength, to say what I could never say
Keep, me, hum-ble, but still ambitious
Calm my soul, but leave me vicious

[Verse 1]
I've grown so much
But I can still revert
To make every last one of your fucking feelings hurt
To stop the world from spinning and make it feel inert
To freeze time in its tracks and it will reverse
And this verse could get me killed but I kill a verse
Rhyming at million motherfucking kilohertz
Whether I was killed or murdered
When the wheel the hearse, out
And fill the dirt
Into the hole in the earth
Where the casket's placed
A basket case
Still Straight jacket laced
And if the songs not better than the last at least
Then we can't release it
It's gotta be a masterpiece
Cause I gotta be the stitches in the mouths of the bitches who doubt me
Spit on my name and count me outtie
Spend the whole damn day runnin’ their mouth about me
But they wouldn’t have much to talk about without me, AHHH
I walk a line
That's way too thin
And if I give up now
It means I let you win
So fuck that
With a capital F-U
The beast has been unleashed, I’m an animal let loose
The jungle left me numb
And I’m tumbling through the troubled times
Stumbled a couple times
And my empire, is crumbling to rubble
It's fumbling, In my jumbled mind
But there’s a voice up, in my bubble
That keeps telling me to rumble

Rumble, young man, rumble
May your courage overcome the fear
Rumble, young man, rumble
You’re a lion, your time is here
Rumble, young man, rumble
You’re the lightning, the storm is near
You may slip and stumble
But Rumble, young man, rumble
*End of song*

Angels POV

As I record Hakeems performance, I see Amaya dancing on Hakeem. I stop recording as I felt a little jealous. Tiana nudges me.

Tiana: Don't worry about her.. She has nothing on you girl *smiles*

I laugh and nodded at Tiana, Because she's right.

~Later at Home~

As I sit with Bree showing her Hakeems performance from tonight.

Bree: Daddy did good *smiles*

Me: I know right *smiles* ok princess bed time

Bree lays down as I tuck her in and kiss the top of her head. I walk to my bedroom and start writing, As Hakeems just getting out of the shower.

Hakeem: Are you alright ang?

I nod. Hakeem puts on his shorts and comes up to me.

Hakeem: Look I know you're jealous of Amaya dancing on me tonight

I shake my head.

Me: *fake smiles* why would you say that?

Hakeem: *laughs a bit* Ang I've been married to your ass for three years now, plus you're my sister I know you better than anyone else

I bite my lip and look down. Damn he's good. Hakeem tilts my head up and kisses me.

Hakeem: Don't Ang *smiles* no one's not taking me away from my girls

Me: *giggles* Good to know

Hakeem kisses me passionately as I lay down.

Hakeem: You don't ever have to worry about me going anywhere baby

Me: Promise?

Hakeem kisses my hand with my wedding ring on it.

Hakeem: I promise

Hakeem and I kiss each other passionately, as we end our night. Hopefully, Amaya won't be a problem anymore.

Or will she?
What will happen Next?
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