👊Lights Out👊

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Angels POV

The tour is finally over! I'm in the hotel room packing. I'm so happy this is all over, I can't wait to see my baby when I get home. Hakeem wasn't here when I woke up, I assume he went to go get breakfast. As I continue packing, I feel arms around me.

Me: *smiles* Hey

I turn to Hakeem who's holding a bouquet of flowers.

Hakeem: Hey baby *smiles* I got you these

I take the flowers and smile at Hakeem as I kiss him.

Me: Thanks baby *smiles* ready to go?

Hakeem: We'll go after we eat

Hakeem kisses my head as he gives me breakfast. We ate breakfast and talked.

Me: I think Bree will be happy to have us back *smiles*

Hakeem: Agreed *smiles* I miss my baby girl

Me: me too... Come on let's go

Hakeem & I grab our things and get on the tour bus to head home. I cuddle Hakeem as he holds me.

Hakeem: *smiles* What are you most excited about?

I look up at Hakeem.

Me: *Smiles* Mostly about seeing my baby girl

Hakeem smiles kissing my hand

Hakeem: *smiles* Me too bae

Our tour bus stopped in front of Empire. Hakeem and I step off the bus and get into his car, and drive off to Lyon Manor.

Me: Do you think Kingsleys there?

Hakeem: Probably no telling baby.. But don't worry about him ok

I nod. Hakeem pulls up to Lyon Manor. Hakeem and I walk inside hand in hand to be greeted by Juanita.

Juanita: Hello Mr & Mrs Lyon... Brees upstairs napping

Hakeem: *Smiles* thanks Juanita *turns to me* I'll go put these away ok

Me: Ok baby *smiles*

Hakeem kisses me and goes upstairs. I walk into my dad's study to see if he's home, But all I find is Kingsley.

Me: *raises eyebrow* Um why the hell are you at dads desk?

Kingsley: Well it's nice to see you too sister

I roll my eyes at him already annoyed. Kingsley stands up from the desk.

Kingsley: How was the tour?

Me: It was fun.. *crosses my arms* why are you in here?

Kingsley: Well father is handling things.. So i just thought I would wait here until he returns

Me: Oh *smirks* usually dad doesn't let anyone comes into his study unless it's important

Kingsley comes up to me.

Kingsley: You know... I find you very amusing Angel... And very talented... I mean you made headlines coming out about you and Hakeems relationship

Me: And what the hell is your point?

Kingsley puts a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Kingsley: My point... *smirks* Is that you deserve much more

Before I could say anything else, Kingsley kisses me on the lips. I quickly push him away & slap him going upstairs. I go to my old bedroom where Hakeem is.

Hakeem: Bae what's wrong?

Hakeems POV

I look at Angel as I grab her hand. I look into her eyes and I can tell something's wrong.

Me: Ang baby.. What's wrong?

Angel takes a deep breath.

Angel: I thought dad was in his study... But it was Kingsley... And we started talking and... Crap he kissed me!

I bite my lip hard as I popped my knuckles.

Angel: But I pushed away and slapped him... I'm sorry baby

Me: Don't be *pissed* He kissed you?

Angel nods. That's all I needed to know. I kiss Angel. I leave the room with Angel following suit.

Me: *shouts* Kingsley!

As soon as Kingsley turned around, I punched him again and again giving him a black eye and a bloody nose. It took dad to get me off of him. Angel holds me back

Lucious: Calm down... Angel take him upstairs

Angel leads me upstairs and kisses me passionately to calm me down. I look at Angel holding her.

Me: You ok?

Angel nods

Did Kingsley deserve that beating from Hakeem?
What will happen next?
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