Red Carpet drama

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Angels POV

So the tour just started and right now, I'm getting dressed along with Hakeem. We're having a red carpet event, which i think is too damn early. I try to tie the back of my dress but couldn't seem to get it.

Hakeem: I got you baby

Hakeem ties the back of my dress as he gently kisses my neck.

Me: thanks baby *smiles*

I turn to face Hakeem and hug him.

Hakeem: what's wrong baby?

Me: I don't know.. I just feel like something is going to happen tonight? *looks down*

Hakeem tilts my head up and kisses me softly.

Hakeem: Relax baby... Everything's going to be fine *smiles*

I smile back. Having Hakeem reassure me that everything's going to be ok, I trust him with his word. Hakeem and I leave the hotel room and make our way to the premiere. Hakeem and I hold hands as we walk onto the red carpet, As paparazzi snaps pictures of us and ask a lot of questions as usual. Hakeem puts his arm around me and whispers in my ear.

Hakeem: I'm going to go over there ok baby

Me: *Nods* Ok baby

We kiss and Hakeem walks away.

Hakeems POV

As I the people snap pictures and ask question, I look over at my sister wife as she's being interviewed. I'm glad she's getting the recognition she deserves. Angel looks over & smiles at me, As I wink at her before she continues with her interview. As I walked into Treasure almost making her fall.

Me: My bad you ok

Treasure nods.

Treasure: Of course I'm fine *smiles*

I quickly let go of Treasure as Angel comes up holding my hand. I kiss Angels head making her smile.

Me: I'm going to go find mom and dad

Angel: *smiles* I'll be there in a minute... I want to chat with Treasure

Me: Alright

I walk into the building leaving the girls to talk.

Angels POV

As soon as Hakeem left, I quickly turn to Treasure and smile as I stand next to her, As the paparazzi takes pictures of us.

Me: *whispers* I see what you're trying to do

Treasure: *smiles & whispers* And what am I exactly trying to do?

I look at Treasure with all seriousness in my eyes.

Me: The little crap you tried to pull with my husband isn't going to work sweetheart... And it's definitely not going to work with me

Treasure bites her lip. I dealt with girls like her, so I'm setting the record straight.

Me: I have dealt with women like you coming after my husband *smiles* so if you know what's good for you.. Don't try that sh*t around me again... And we won't have a problem

I smiled and walk inside leaving Treasure to think about what I said. I go look for Hakeem and grab his hand. Hakeem kisses my cheek.

Hakeem: How'd the talk with Treasure go?

I smiled.

Me: *smiles* Couldn't had went better

Hakeem leads me to the other room to join mom and dad. Nothing's going to mess up this tour for us.

Treasures POV

I thought about what Angel said, and trust me I completely understand. It's just that I'm just not the type of girl to listen sometimes. I looked at how happy

Treasure: Trust me Lyon princess I understand completely

I smiled to myself walking into the room.

Will Treasure cause trouble?
What will happen next?
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