I'm sorry

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Angels POV

I lay in bed writing trying to clear out my head. I knew i couldn't trust that damn girl I knew it. I throw my notebook on the floor, covering my now red puffy eyes due from crying out of frustrations. I can't even focus on my work because all I can do is think about Hakeem & Treasure kissing. My phone rings and I see it's my friend Rosita calling. I haven't heard from her in a while. I answered it.

Me: *cracked voice* Hello

Rosita: Oh I know that voice

I sigh a bit knowing that Rosita already knows I'm having a problem with Hakeem.

Rosita: What did his a** do this time?

Me: You know that girl I told you I don't trust?

Rosita: Treasure?

Me: Yeah... Well Hakeem left his phone in the room and I go to the studio to bring it to him.. I get there, Him and Treasure sucking face

Rosita got quiet for a moment. She's never  quiet unless she's telling someone off. Rosita was quiet for a while before she spoke.

Rosita: Something doesn't feel right Ang... Did you see anything odd when you went there?

I thought about it.

Me: Well the chair was on the floor.. Why?

Rosita: Well do you think Hakeem possibly could've pulled away from her?

I bite my lip. Maybe she's right. Maybe I should've heard Hakeem out, before clawing Treasures eyes out.

Me: *sighs* Maybe you're right Ro

Rosita: If you talk to Hakeem again.. Just hear him out ok Angel

Me: Yeah *smiles* thanks Rosita

Rosita: No problem girl I'll check back in on you later.

We say our goodbyes and hang up. As I get out of bed, There was a knock at the door. I go answer it and see Hakeem.

Hakeems POV

I look at Angel and I can tell that she's been crying. I feel bad, but she has to know that nothing happened between Treasure and I.

Me: Can I come in?

Angel steps aside letting me into the room as she shuts the door. I take a deep breath and turn to Angel.

Me: Look baby... I didn't kiss Treasure at all.. She kissed me..I pulled away.. I'm sorry for letting her do that crap

Angel nods

Angel: I'm sorry too.. *sighs* For slapping you and not hearing you out

I pull Angel into a hug and kiss her. I sit down and pulling Angel into my lap.

Me: *smiles a little* It's alright... my a** deserved it

Angel & I laugh a bit.

Angel: I love you... But don't let that girl get so close to you like that ever again Keem

I nod

Me: That's understandable baby... And I won't

Angel and I kiss each other passionately. I lay her down and kiss her neck softly, sliding up her shirt kissing her stomach. I remove my sister wife clothes leaving her only in her see through bra and panties. Angel sits up and removes my shirt and my pants along with my boxers, as we kiss each other softly as I lay her back down. I enter Angel hearing voice hitches, as I begin to thrust into her. I watch as she arches her back as she claws at my back, as I pump into her more kissing her bare chest. Angel flips us over and grinds her hips into mine, making me moan. I grip her hips as we both moan in pleasure.

Me: *moans* Fvckk

Angel: mmm

I kiss Angel as we both reach our climax. I hold my sister wife in my arms.

Me: mmm I got an idea *kisses Angel*

Angel: Mmm what is it?

Me: *smiles* You want to piss Treasure off?

Angel nods

Me: Well let me do your new song with you tomorrow night and show her she didn't come between us

Angel smiles

Angel: Ok

Angel and I kiss.

What will happen next?
How will the performance go?
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