Tour Hell

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Angels POV

Last night gave me such a headache. I sit up in bed and stretch as I catch Hakeem coming out of the shower in just a towel. I bite my lip looking at him, damn I didn't expect him be half dressed this morning. I guess he was talking to me, but i didn't hear him. Hakeem laughs as I snap out of my trance.

Me: *blushing* I'm sorry baby what did you say?

Hakeem: *laughs* do you want breakfast?

I nod. Hakeem orders room service as I go shower. Five minutes later, I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my wet body. I see Hakeem drinking his juice when I come back into the bedroom. The aroma of the breakfast quickly caught my attention.

Me: mmmm waffles *smiles*

I eat. As I eat my breakfast Hakeem keeps looking at me.

Me: What?

Hakeem: *bites bottom lip* You just wearing that towel is looking more good then this breakfast

I swallow my food as I blush. It is too early for this sh*t.

Me: *smiles* And what are you going to do about it?

Hakeem smirks and picks me up bridal style and tosses me on the bed, removing my towel and spreading my legs.

Me: *giggles* what are you doing Keem?

Hakeem: *smiles* eating my breakfast

Before I could say another word, I felt Hakeems lips on my womanhood making me moan. I moan a bit loud as Hakeem keeps devouring me, making my legs weak. Hakeem pulls away with a small smile on his face standing. I sit up as he kisses me.

Hakeem: *smirks* You taste way better then the food bae

Me: *giggles* oh god thanks baby

Hakeem and I laugh.

Hakeem: I'm going to go to the studio mom and dad got set up *smiles* I'll see you later baby

Me: I Love you baby *smiles*

Hakeem: Love you more *smiles*

Me: *calls out* Keem

Hakeem: Yeah baby?

Me: No girls!

Hakeem: *smiles* I promise

I smile as Hakeem leaves the hotel room. I get dressed and start working on my song. Fifteen minutes into working on my song, I look to the left of me, and see Hakeems cellphone on the nightstand. Damn it Keem.

Me: I guess I'll drop it off

Hakeems POV

I bob my head to the beat of the song, As I get the lyrics together

Engineer: Like that?

Me: Yeah that's right

I hear a knock at the door and turn to see Treasure. What the hell is she doing here?!

Treasure: Hey got a minute to talk?

I look at her for a moment

Me: About what... Because I'm really trying to focus on working on my music

Treasure: it will only take a minute *smiles* I promise

I look at Treasure and tell the music engineer to take a fifteen minute break. He leaves and Treasure comes up to me.

Me: Ok what the hell do you want Treasure?

Treasure takes a seat before speaking.

Treasure: *smiles a bit* So I think I was kinda out of line last night purposely bumping into you

Me: Why do you say that?

Treasure: Your lady got a little mad at me

I kinda knew Angel was going to say something to Treasure about me, but I can't control how she feels about me. She's my wife!

Me: *chuckles* I'm sorry about that... We're overprotective of each other... So get used to it

Treasure: Oh I will... But I think you can do better

Me: Mean- *gco*

Treasure leans in and kisses me softly. The hell is she doing, I pull away quickly falling out of my chair.

Treasure: Oh my god are you ok?!

I stand up.

Me: Treasure you can't do that!

Treasure: *smirks* and why the hell not?

Me: I'm married!

Treasure: *chuckles* and that haven't stopped me before

Treasure kisses me again. Before I could react, I hear a gasp. I looked to the door & see Angel clutching my phone in hand.

Me: Ang

Before I could get another word out, Angel attacks Treasure and starts punching her. I pull Angel off of Treasure and put her down, Earning a slap from Angel. I looked at her as the feeling from the slap stings my face.

Angel: Don't talk to me anymore

Me: Baby

Angel leaves the studio. I bite my lip as I run my hands through my hair. I have to fix this.

Angels POV

I get back to the room and lay in bed. I bite my thumb trying not to cry as I stare at the ceiling.

Me: This tour is starting to become hell

I sigh as I grab my notebook and start to write. I knew I couldn't trust Treasure from the beginning. I put my notebook down as I drift off to sleep, thinking about Hakeem.

What will happen next?
Will Angel hear Hakeem out?
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