Sibling Talk

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Hakeems POV

Angel & I make it Lyon Manor. I park the car getting out and help Angel. We walk in, making our way to the living room.

Me: We're here

Angel: Is everything ok? *sits*

Our parents shake their heads.

Jamal: What's wrong?

Lucious: Well Um- gco

Andre: Pop.. Mom..I can tell them

Cookie: You sure Andre?

Tell us what? I don't know what's happening, but I'm a little scared and nervous to find out. I look at Angel & Jamal. Andre nods his head as he takes a deep breath.

Andre: *smiles a bit* Well I have cancer

What?! The three us looked at our big brother worried and scared as he continued to talk.

Jamal: Cancer?!

Me: Hold on.. Since when?!

Andre: Since Today... That's why I've been so sick *looks down* it's just in it's first stage... I have to do everything right to be processed to get the treatment I need.. To get a new heart

Angel gets up and leaves the living room. She must not like that Dre's sick. Andre sighs and stands.

Andre:  Come on you two... Let's go check on her

I nod leaving the living room with Jamal & Andre. We find Angel sitting on the stairs with her face in her hands crying.

Angels POV

I wasn't trying to be disrespectful or anything, I'm just shocked at the news. Andre, my big brother might die from this illness. It hurts me more than you know. I dont want to lose him, I had to get out of there. I feel a hand on my arm, I  look up to see Hakeem along with Andre & Jamal. I sniffle a bit as I get up and hug Andre crying.

Andre: I know Angel it's ok *rubs my back*

Andre let's go of me and takes my hands in his looking right into my puffy eyes.

Andre: Everything's going to be ok baby sister... I'm going to fight this

I nod. Hakeem puts his hands on my shoulder. I hug him tightly.

Hakeem: baby... We have to trust Andre and the doctors *looks at me kissing my head*

Jamal: And pray

I nod my head snuggling my face into Hakeems chest. My brothers hug me as I feel vulnerable to the news. Out of everyone, Andre is the one taking it so damn well. I don't know how he can stay so calm, I guess he has to be this way for us.


As I sit in bed writing, I couldn't stop thinking about Andre. I sigh as I feel Hakeems hand on my thigh.

Hakeem: You ok Ang?

I nod sadly. Hakeem pulls me into his arms holding me.

Me: I think we should do something nice for Andre

Hakeem: Like perform a song for him?

I nod my head. I love how Hakeem knows me so well.

Hakeem: *smiles* Jamal & I already planned it, While Andre is getting his treatment.. We'll perform it on our streaming channel

Me: Thank you baby

Hakeem lifts my head up and kisses me.

Hakeem: Dre is going to love it *smiles*

Me: Yeah *smiles

What will happen next?
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