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i went the next two periods thinking about calum. and that was weird. this doesn't happen with guys my age.

it was time for lunch, and i met up with zach and trace. i first became friends with trace in 9th grade, when he sat behind me in english. he was kind of weird, but now he's like a brother to me.

we sat at our usual table, which was a circle table in the middle of the cafeteria. we only took up 3 of the 6 seats. zach and i sat next to each other, while trace sat across from us so the seating wasn't too awkward.

i didn't bring much for lunch today, so i finished eating within the first 5 minutes. trace and zach were talking to each other, and i was just looking around the cafeteria. i sat up straight when i saw calum. i think he was walking towards our table, so i turned to talk to my friends. the next thing i knew, calum was standing over us.

"you two are in my maths class, right?" he asked zach and me in that australian accent of his.

i tried to make out words, but that accent fucking killed me.

zach noticed my struggle, and answered a "yes" for me.

"alright, cool. can i sit with you guys?"

i swore i was gonna fall over when he said "cool." why am i feeling like this?

"so, what's your guys names?" calum asked breaking the awkward silence.

i could feel that my face had been bright red ever since calum walked over. and i think zach noticed i was still struggling a bit because he introduced himself, as well as me.

"i'm zach, and this is syerra."

"and i'm trace."

"i'm calum, thanks for letting me sit with you guys, by the way."

i think i tried to build up a little bit of confidence because i actually spoke.

"we're pretty lonely, anyways," i said, regretting it seconds later.

"well, you guys seem cool," calum said with a sort of smirk.

i just smiled and looked down for what felt like a good 5 minutes.


after a really awkward lunch, i went the rest of the day, still thinking about calum.

but things got even more awkward when he walked into my 7th period.

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