f o u r

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i finally fell asleep sometime around midnight. by the time i woke up, i almost completely forgot about calum. it was when i walked into 2nd period that it all came back. because who was sitting in the seat behind me? calum.

it was then that my personality completely changed. just like that, i decided that i wasn't gonna be shy anymore. i need to break out of my shell; i need to be confident. i don't know how it happened that fast, but i'm kind of glad it did.

"hey calum," i said quite confidently, like we've been friends for a while, and sat in my seat.

he responded with one of those douchey head nods and a smirk.

throughout the whole class period, calum messed with me. i think zach noticed, too, because he would give dirty looks our way. i don't know what his problem is with calum, we barely know him.

when the bell rang at the end of the period, calum started to walk with me to my next class. it turns out our 3rd periods are right next to each other.

we made small talk about school with the 3 minutes it took to get to our next class.

"hopefully i'll see you at lunch," he said as we parted.



the next two periods passed by, and it was time for lunch. when i sat down by zach, he scooted over to the next seat, which was evenly between me and trace. he's being weird lately, and i don't know why. but whatever.

somehow, i completely forgot to pack any food for today. so i just kind of sat there on my phone, while zach and trace ate.

it was about 10 minutes into lunch when calum came and sat next to me. he noticed i didn't have food, and offered me a nutty bar. i declined, even though those are my favorite of the little debbie snacks.

"come on, syerra, take it. you don't have any food," calum said, sliding it over to me.

i didn't decline this time. i took it, and ate it; trying not to be so unattractive, like i was when i ate with just zach and trace.

lunch was awkward because there wasn't much talking.

when the bell rang for 5th period, i thanked calum before leaving the table.

"couldn't let a pretty girl, like you, starve," he said with smirk. another fucking smirk.

i swear he tries to kill me, because those smirks make my heart fall to my stomach.


somehow, calum and i met up in the hallway on our way to 7th period. turns out our 6th period class is on the same floor.

we walked into class, and sat down. for some reason, mrs. elliot gave us a free day, where we didn't even watch a movie. so, calum and i just talked the whole period. we talked about his home back in australia, and how he moved here because of his dad's job. i told him how i used to live in michigan, and moved here because of my dad's job, also. it was so easy to talk with him. it's as if we've known each other forever. except for the fact that we didn't know anything about each other.

the next thing we knew, the dismissal bell rang. we didn't even realize we took up the whole class period already.

calum went to his locker, and i headed for the parking lot to meet up with zach. when i got to his parking space, his car wasn't there. wtf did he leave without me

stuck in the parking lot, pissed, with no ride, i see calum walking towards me.


the other chapters have been pretty short, and i think this one's a bit longer so !! sorry for it being so boring, it'll get better. promise

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