Chapter 1 ~ The old days

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Jacob Swann has always been my best friend. He was the boy next door, that would come over every single day. He obviously had a twin, Tomas, but I never clicked with him, like I had with Jacob. Things just seemed different when it was just him and me, playing around and mapping out our future.
I remember the first time I ever met Jacob, I was 2 years old and it was my first day at nursery. He came up to me and knocked over my tower as a joke, me being a very sensitive child began to cry over it. Jacob being sweet, instantly put an arm round me and began to try and comfort me to the best of his ability. He told me 'everything will be alright and we could make a tower twice as big as my original one', ever since that day we were friends. We built a giant tower taller than a chair, then knocked it down and just laughed over it. I asked 'does this make us friends?' So he replied with 'friends forever'!
Everyday after that me and Jacob would build towers at nursery, then knock them down before lunch. We pretended we were monsters rampaging through a village, killing all people in sight and being mighty enough to knock down skyscrapers.
Some days, if the blocks were taken by other children we would go over to the easel and paint each other on to paper. If we got bored of that we would end up physically painting each other and pouring pots of paint over the other. This was a blast for us, but all the staff on site hated it, as we always made a mess that they would have to clear up. So anyone around would attempt to leave the blocks free and fill up the painting station.
There was one nice lady, Amanda, who would help us once our towers were too tall so we couldn't reach the top of them. She would add blocks to the top and then photograph us as we knocked them down. She always gave us the best snacks the pre-school offered and was the third member of our trio, even though she was technically only a member of staff.
We never let other kids join us. It was me and Jacob, only us, no one else (except Amanda if she was working). No other kids were in are squad, if they attempted to join us they would just be thrown out the group, as they didn't get the rules of tower building; or they would end up leaving on their own, as me and Jacob wouldn't pay any attention to them.
At snack time, me and Jacob would always attempt to get the strawberries, or steal them off who ever managed to get them first. We would usually get Amanda to give us the head up on when they would be served, or get us them before anyone else had the chance, but on the days she wasn't there it was much harder. Throughout are whole nursery career, we got up to plan z.6, when trying to steal the strawberries and would of made awful criminals, as most of the time we always got caught.
Those days were the best, it was the simple life and involved only me, Jacob, Amanda, tower building, painting, strawberries and a whole lot of fun. We were the best of friends and life was sweet and short. We never had any problems to deal with except how to steal some strawberries, family was never an issue and life was the best.
I remember the day things first changed, it was our last day of nursery. I was so confused, why did we have to say bye to Amanda, she kept saying 'I won't see either of you again, but I wish you luck for the future and know you'll go far, I've loved every minute here with both you' then gave us a leaving present. It was a scrapbook of all our fun memories in it, it had us building towers then knocking them down, attempting to steal strawberries, us both drenched in paint and generally showed how much we had grown up and matured during our nursery years. The last picture in the books was a picture of all three of us from earlier this morning and showed us on our last day. She gave us both a copy as she said our final goodbyes, before our parents picked us up, for the last time.
When mum came in, to say thanks and goodbye to the staff, I showed her the album and I swear she looked as if she was about to cry. She thanked Amanda and then waited for Jacobs parents to show up, as she wanted to meet the parents of the boys who had been my best friend ever since the first day.
Every night, once I got back I'd tell my mother and father of the story's me and Jacob had made up and a recap of the whole day. She always had looked forward to my tales and events and would listen to me, even if I'd be telling the most boring story, which father never would. I'd always been closer to her, but loved my father equally, but he just generally always seemed to be busier?!
When Jacobs mum and dad arrived, Rebecca and Peter, my mum already seemed to know them, for some reason? I just went over to Jacob and was talking to him and asking him what was going on, then if we would ever see each other again. Jacob assured me we would and that he would never let anything get in the way of our friendship as we were 'friends forever'. We hugged and then I left with my mum as Jacob was apparently picking up his brother too, I never knew he had a brother either? I had learnt so much today, and was so confused at everything?!
Hi guys, so I hope you like my story, it is my first ever one so I hope it's at least decent. This is all the preface at the moment, but the actual story starts at chapter 4.
This is what I imagine Maddy (main character) looks like as a child:

 This is what I imagine Maddy (main character) looks like as a child:

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Then this would be Jacob:

Then this would be Jacob:

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~ Maisy

Friends forever? ~ Jacob SwannWhere stories live. Discover now